Thanksgiving Turkey Dog Treat Recipe (2024)

Carrot and Applesauce Soft Dog Treat Recipe

Looking to bake up an easy dog treat for your senior pooch? Then this Carrot and Applesauce Soft Dog Treat Recipe will be right up your alley.

Soft Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe

Who doesn’t love soft and chewy cookies? Our senior dogs do, which is why we made this Soft Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe.

Apple Ginger Muffin Dog Treat Recipe

Want to fill your home with the scents of apple, ginger, and cinnamon? Our Apple Ginger Muffin Dog Treat Recipe is better than a scented candle.

Frozen Candy Corn Dog Treat Recipe

Feel that chill? No, that’s not spooky vibes, it’s because of our Frozen Candy Corn Dog Treat Recipe!

Cranberry Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipe

We love cranberries – there are so many benefits of this fruit for dogs. That’s one of the reasons why we love to make this Cranberry Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipe.

Human-Cat Amputee Duo Teams Up To Help Others Through Animal Therapy

Juanita Mengel from Amanda, Ohio, and her five-year-old dilute tortoiseshell cat Lola-Pearl, make a unique therapy team. The 67-year-old Mengel is missing a leg, and her fluffy feline is missing a left hind leg. This special duo is one of an estimated 200 therapy cat teams registered in the US through Pet Partners. This nonprofit organization puts together owners and their pets as volunteer teams. They aim to provide animal-assisted therapy in hospitals, nursing homes, and schools. “A therapy animal is an animal who’s been assessed based on their ability to meet new people and not just tolerate the interaction but actively enjoy it,” said Taylor Chastain Griffin, the national director of animal-assisted interventions advancement at Pet Partners. This organization registered nine different species of animals as therapy animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, birds, horses, mini pigs, alpacas, and lamas. Therapy cats are less common than therapy dogs, and people are often surprised to see cats in this role. However, Griffin studies the impact of therapy cats and emphasizes the importance of cats in therapy teams. There’s a lot of research on other therapy animals, especially dogs, so there is often a ‘shock factor’ associated with therapy cats because many people don’t know these felines exist. “They go into a setting and people are like ‘Whoa, there’s a cat on a leash. What’s happening?’” said Griffin. According to her, cats inspire people to connect to them in a way that’s not seen with other kinds of therapy animals. Juanita Mengel knew that her cat Lola-Pear would be an excellent therapy animal a month after she adopted her. The feline’s therapeutic potential became clear after Mengel took her to an amputee conference. “She was so good with people I just knew she would be a good therapy cat,” said Mengel. “People really were attracted to her, too.”During a recent limb loss support group, Mengel pushed Lola-Pearl around in a cat stroller labeled “Therapy Cat’, so participants could pet the cat as she woke from a nap. When she wasn’t sitting in a stroller, Lola-Pearl could be found brushing against participants’ legs or cuddling in their laps, bringing a smile to the face of every person she decided was worthy of her company. “She’s very intuitive of people,” said Mengel.Although Lola-Pearl is very special, she isn’t the only cat Mengel owns. Mengel, who lost her leg after years of surgeries following a near-fatal car accident, is a mom to seven cats, most of whom have disabilities. “They find you, you don’t find them,” she added.Lola-Pearl was only a few weeks old when she was found with her back legs completely twisted together. The kitten was unable to walk and was brought to Mengel’s friend at a shelter in Missouri. Unfortunately, the vets there couldn’t help the feline. The shelter located a specialist in Iowa who was able to splint Lola-Pearl’s legs in order to save them. However, it was clear that the left hind leg was beyond saving and the vets decided to amputate. Mengel adopted Lola-Pearl after she recovered from the surgery and they formed the unique therapy team. After everything Mengel has been through, she is extremely grateful for Lola-Pearl and appreciates all the good work they do together. “It’s a really rewarding experience,” she said. “I get just as much out of it as the people that I visit.” Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Study Finds Differences in Pain Sensitivity Between Dog Breeds

Although you might think that all dogs experience pain the same, it turns out that different dog breeds have varying levels of pain sensitivity.

These Are the States With the Most Spoiled Doggos in 2023

With the holiday season fast approaching, it is the time for presents, cuddling, yummy meals and, to be honest, spoiling the one you love, including your four-legged bestie. But are there some pet parents that take it a bit too far, and if so, do we know in which states they live? If you are one of those owners who like to pamper their furry friend and spoil them to no end, stick around to find out who’s guilty of overindulging their doggo just like you!An interesting  Forbes Advisor survey estimates that around 22.2% of dog owners in the USA, or one in five, admit to having spent more money on  Christmas gifts for their dogs, rather than gifts for friends and family. This means that there are certainly some pampered and spoiled doggos to be found across the nation, but what is more interesting is that dog owners in certain states tend to spoil dogs more than in others. Now, after a nationwide survey, the results are in!With a score of 100 out of 100, Florida definitely wins as the state with the most spoiled dogs! The Sunshine State is reported to have around 66.5% of owners who spend more money on their dog’s health, grooming, and gifts, than on their own. They are also more likely to pamper dogs by perfuming them, pushing them in strollers, buying them clothes and gifts, or taking them to restaurants. Interestingly, the second place, and right behind Florida, is Alaska, with a score of 98.69 out of 100. Nearly half of all dog owners in this northerly state admit to regularly throwing birthday parties for their pooches, purchasing them special outfits, and even putting cologne on them. They too will spend more money on their pets than on themselves.Behind Florida and Alaska in places 1 and 2 respectively, are the following states:3. Washington - 91.82 out of 1004. Colorado - 82.04 out of 1005. California - 77.96 out of 1006. New Jersey - 77.52 out of 1007. Illinois - 77.23 out of 1008. Texas - 70.80 out of 1009. Delaware - 69.93 out of 10010. Virginia - 69.34 out of 100The survey also offered some indicators and activities that might suggest that you are spoiling your dog. If you regularly do some of these activities, you might be pampering your pooch as well!Taking family photos with the dog Ordering the dog a special treat at a restaurant Bringing the dog on vacationPushing the dog in a strollerSpending more money on the dog’s health and grooming than on their own Buying the dog outfits and accessoriesSo, what’s the result? Are you too on the list of owners who spoil their pets? Let us know!

A Six-legged Abandoned Dog Has Surgery to Remove Extra Limbs

A six-legged co*cker spaniel found abandoned in a supermarket parking lot in Wales has had surgery to remove her extra limbs. The pooch was named Ariel, after the Little Mermaid, because her extra limbs were fused together, resembling a mermaid’s tail. Greenacres Rescue, a non-profit group from Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire, Wales, took Ariel in, arranged her surgery, and found her a foster family.  Ariel, who was born with multiple birth defects, was operated on at Langford Vets Small Animal Referral Hospital. Surgeon Aaron Lutchman performed the surgery and managed to save all four limbs amid fears that one hind leg might have to be amputated. “She’s doing really well, she’s bounced back and she’s a happy little dog and we’re hoping she’s going to go on to lead a fabulous little life,” said Lutchman. “She’s got her own little character and even though she’s had a tough start in life she really has done well to come through this as she has… if we can do what we can to help then that’s just absolutely brilliant.” According to Mikey Lawlor, founder and manager of Greenacres Rescue, Ariel was skinny and distressed when she was rescued. “The vet who initially assessed Ariel noted that, in addition to her two surplus back legs, she also had an additional vulva,” said Lawlor. A CT scan later revealed that Ariel was born with only one kidney, which increased the complexity of the medical treatment she required. Unfortunately, the pup’s pelvis never formed properly because she had two hip joints on one side of the body. As a result, Ariel’s normal hind leg had no muscle tone, so there was a chance that that leg had to be amputated as well. “Thankfully, that wasn’t the case though as it’s shown signs of having strengthened a lot in recent months,” Lawlor added.Ariel is recovering nicely after her surgery, having lots of love and fuss from the nursing team. Now that the surgery is behind her, everyone is hoping that she’ll have an easy and quick recovery.“There were two procedures which lasted about two hours, but both went fine. The next day she was up, walking around and eating and drinking.”“Now we just need to keep our fingers crossed she doesn’t get any infections, but she really is in the best of hands,” added Lawlor according to BBC. The brave pooch was discharged over the weekend and has already returned home to her foster family in Wales. According to her vet, Ariel has to rest for the next two weeks to recover completely. The founder of Greenacres Rescue hopes that the organization will be able to find a forever home for Ariel after she completes physiotherapy and recovery. “The response we had to Ariel’s story so far, including calls and emails from as far away as New York and Australia, has been incredible - so I’ve no doubt she’ll be snapped up,” said Lawlor.“I just can’t say enough of a thank you to everyone who’s contributed to helping her.” The organization raised around $19,000 for Ariel’s life-changing surgery thanks to donations from people all over the world.“Ariel was a complicated little dog whose care required close collaboration across a number of our specialist teams, including orthopedics, soft tissue surgery, anesthesia, and radiology,” said Vicki Black, the director of Langford Vets’ Hospital. “As part of the University of Bristol, we are a center committed to career-long learning and are proud to innovate and treat pets like Ariel. We are delighted such a lovely animal has recovered well from her surgery.”Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Animal Shelter Receives Donations in Memory of Jon Stewart’s Dog

Comedian Jon Stewart returned to “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central in February, and viewers have been tuning in to watch him talk about current events. Stewart hosts every Monday night, serving up news in a hilarious way. But on February 26, he closed the show on a somber note, spending a few minutes talking about his dog, Dipper.Jon Stewart Remembers His Extraordinary DogStewart shared a touching story of how he met and came to adopt Dipper. He explained that, 12 or 13 years ago, his young children wanted to raise money for Animal Haven, a no-kill shelter for dogs and cats in New York City. To fundraise, his family baked cupcakes and set up an area outside of the shelter to sell them.  He went on to say that the shelter brought out a pit bull who was about 1 year old. At this point, Stewart started to break down, clearly getting emotional as he explained that the dog had been hit by a car in Brooklyn and had lost one of his legs as a result.Through tears, Stewart said his family left the shelter after raising some much-needed funds for a wonderful organization that does great work. But they also left with the very special pit bull who had stolen their hearts and who was, as Stewart described him, the best boy. Dipper even used to go to the studio with Stewart, so he met the famous people who were guests on the show.Then, Stewart shared the devastating news that Dipper had passed away just the day before. He ended with a wish for everyone to find an amazing dog they could love. And then, for the show’s “Moment of Zen,” they played an adorable video of Dipper playing in the snow.You can watch the segment here:

What Causes Heartworm in Dogs?

One of the most dangerous threats to the health of dogs around the world is the dreaded  heartworm. Most people are not even aware of the illness, until it is too late for  treatment and the damage has already been done. In fact, many dog owners are not at all familiar with heartworm, how it occurs, how it progresses, and what causes it in the first place. That’s why we’ll go into all of the details every dog owner should know about heartworm. What Is Heartworm Disease in Dogs and What Causes It?Heartworm disease in dogs is caused by a parasitic worm, called Dirofilaria Immitis. These are most simply put, heartworm larvae, and are carried within mosquitos. And that’s how they are transmitted – through the bite of an infected mosquito. When a mosquito, carrying a heartworm larva, bites a dog, it immediately transmits the larvae onto the dog’s skin. This is how the heartworm enters the bloodstream, through the teeny tiny mosquito bite wound – yes, that is how incredibly small these larvae are. After this, over the course of several months, the deposited larvae mature and grow into adult worms that nest and reside within your dog’s heart, blood vessels, and lungs. Once they become adults and enter the animal’s system, these worms can really cause substantial damage to the lungs, heart, and even other organs. This damage is then manifested through visible symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss, difficulty breathing, coughing, and – in the most extreme cases – heart failure. Heartworm needs to be treated. Otherwise, this disease can be fatal to dogs. Of course, your most common precaution is through regular use of heartworm preventatives, as well as minimizing exposure to mosquitoes or mosquito-dense areas. This can help protect your doggo from contracting a potentially deadly disease. Preventing And Treating Heartworm Disease in DogsThis being said, we need to take into account that heartworm disease won’t be common in all parts of the world equally. The disease is prevalent in parts of the world with warm or humid climates, and high populations of mosquitoes. This is not an exclusive rule, however, and the disease can occur in all parts of the world, including temperate zones. As a diligent dog owner, you should get familiar with your region and if needed, take precautionary measures. If you live in an area where there are a lot of mosquitoes, you can invest in things like mosquito repellents for dogs. 

Hypothermia in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

When a dog gets too cold, they’re at risk of hypothermia. But what is hypothermia, what are its symptoms, and what can be done to treat it? Below is a brief guide to dog hypothermia so you can have a better understanding of this condition and why it’s so important to prevent it.What Is Hypothermia in Dogs?Hypothermia develops when a dog’s body temperature drops to 99°F (37.2°C) or lower. A dog’s normal body temperature range is 99.5-102.5°F (37.5-39.2°C).There are three levels of hypothermia: mild, moderate, and severe.Mild hypothermia occurs when a dog’s body temperature is between 90-99°F (32.2-37.2°C).Moderate hypothermia develops when the dog’s body temperature falls even more, to 82-90°F (27.8-32.2°C).Severe hypothermia develops when the dog’s body temperature falls below 82°F (27.8°C).Giving a dog the right treatment to bring their temperature back up is critical, as hypothermia can cause damage to organs, and it could be fatal.  Some dogs may be at greater risk of hypothermia. Puppies, seniors, and dogs who are thin or small are a few examples. Dogs who are ill, including those with chronic conditions, can also be more susceptible. Also, hairless dogs and those with short coats are other examples.What Causes Hypothermia in Dogs?Dogs who are in the cold for too long are at risk of hypothermia. And if they get wet, their body temperature can drop more rapidly. Never leave a dog outside when it’s too cold or windy, or when it’s raining or snowing.It doesn’t have to be extremely cold for dogs to feel the effects either, as a temperature less than 45°F (7.2°C) could put some dogs at risk. Before going outside with your dog, check the wind chill, too, as this will give you a better idea of what it actually feels like out there, and what the risk of frostbite and hypothermia really is.    Also, certain medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism and shock, could increase a dog’s risk of hypothermia.Symptoms of Hypothermia in DogsAs a dog starts to feel cold, they’ll exhibit changes in behavior. Warming them up right away can prevent them from getting even colder. If hypothermia continues to set in, the situation will become more dire as the symptoms progress.Here are some of the symptoms to watch out for:Mild hypothermia may cause a dog to shiver and experience weakness. They may also be less alert, and may try to find ways to stay warm, such as curling in a ball. If you were to feel the dog’s skin, ears, paws, legs, and tail, they may be cold to the touch.Moderate hypothermia may cause the breathing to become shallow and slow, and the muscles may become stiff, resulting in difficulty moving. The blood pressure may drop, and the dog may be even more lethargic and confused. If you were to check the gums, they may be pale.  Severe hypothermia may cause the pupils to become fixed and dilated, and a dog may have trouble breathing. They may not be as responsive, or they may become unresponsive. Also, they may not be shivering anymore. Collapse and coma may occur.How to Help a Hypothermic DogThe symptoms of hypothermia must be taken seriously. Contact your veterinarian even if you think your dog might only have mild hypothermia, as they can provide guidance on what to do, and they might advise bringing your dog in to be examined and treated.In cases of severe hypothermia, a veterinarian will need to treat your dog, so don’t try to fix this problem yourself.Here are a few steps you can take if your dog has mild hypothermia (again, talk to your vet first to be sure you’re taking the right steps and you can treat this at home):Dry your dog if they’re wet. Bring them to a warm area of your home, such as near a heat source. Wrap them in a blanket—you could even warm it up in the dryer first. Use products like the PetFusion Microplush Quilted Pet Blanket, which is super soft and has a light fill that provides more warmth.

New Study Searches for the Secret Connection Between ‘Gifted’ Dogs

As dog parents, we all want to believe that our dog is the smartest, most incredible, most amazing dog out there. Right? But there is a select group of dogs whose talent and intelligence stand out above the rest. What makes these dogs so bright? That’s what a new study hopes to understand… Known as “Gifted Word Learner” (GWL) Dogs, these dogs display an impressive vocabulary by learning the names of dozens of their toys, with some learning as many as 125 toys by name! Interested in better understanding this phenomenon and what makes these dogs so naturally gifted, researchers at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary set out to identify any commonalities between these pups. Their recent study, published in Scientific Reports on December 14, included 41 GWL dogs from nine countries: the US, the UK, Canada, Brazil, Norway, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and Hungary. They put out a call for ‘gifted’ dogs, asking owners to complete and submit a self-assessment following their detailed instructions and send the results in a video. Dogs that passed that phase were then given an online vocabulary assessment test to better assess their language skills. The owners were also given a questionnaire to provide a better understanding of each dog’s life experience. “In the questionnaire, we asked the owners about their dog’s life experience, their own experience in raising and training dogs, and about the process by which the dog came to learn the names of his/her toys,” explained Dr. Andrea Sommese, study co-author. Researchers discovered some interesting connections between the GWL dogs using all this information.

Humans Are Getting Their Pets Sick – Here's What You Need To Know

Zoonosis are diseases that can be transmitted from other vertebrate animals to humans, such as rabies or Lyme disease, and has been around ever since we started domesticating animals. However, recent studies reveal that a new and lesser-known form of zoonose is becoming increasingly common: the reverse zoonose. This is the latest phenomenon, where disease can be transmitted from humans to their pets. Dr. Benjamin Anderson from the University of Florida was amongst the first to warn about the increase of reverse zoonoses. He said that more attention should be paid to disease transmission “in the opposite direction”, and that both pets and their owners can be threatened by it, especially when sharing close quarters with one another.“We’re starting to see a lot of examples of reverse zoonosis. Pets are more susceptible than, maybe, we previously thought,” he said. “Typically, the viruses that I will have as a human are not going to fit into the receptors that a dog or cat has.”This means that reverse zoonoses typically appear when a pathogen in humans mutates and then adapts to a new animal host. In the past, however, it was much rarer for this to happen, because humans and animals have a totally different biology.But now, the viruses like  coronavirus or influenza have a much higher chance of cross-species transmission. This is mainly due to their RNA-based genetic material, which is more likely to mutate or have replication errors. According to Dr. Anderson, there are several diseases that have been documented to transmit from humans to their pets. These include COVID-19, tuberculosis, swine flu, dengue, human-norovirus, and other viral, fungal, parasitic, and bacterial infections.To make matters worse, the highest chances for this to happen is with pets such as dogs, cats, horses, and ferrets, as they have the most genetic similarity to humans, being mammals. “We have to first ask how the pathogen gets into those animals in the first place,” said Dr. Anderson for “The pathogen doesn’t develop out of thin air in animals before suddenly spilling over into humans. While pathogens certainly can move from animals to other animals and can be picked up from the environment, exposure to humans also plays an important role. It’s this constant back and forth exchange that happens over time, increasing the probability of a mutation taking place that allows the pathogen to infect a new host.”Dr. Anderson also noted the difficulty in tracking reverse zoonoses, as it is a big challenge to link the transmission of diseases between humans and animals. Because of this, Dr. Anderson advises pet owners to be cautious around pets, particularly if they are sick with communicable diseases, like COVID-19 or the flu. Maintain good hygiene around your pets, and avoid direct contact.

Possible Cancer Vaccine for Dogs in the Works

Mark your calendar because May 2024 marks the end of a 5-year clinical trial that may put an end to many canine cancers.

28-pound Cat Named 'One Frosty Too Many' Finds a Forever Home

A morbidly obese cat found wandering the streets in Virginia has found a forever home after Richmond Animal Care and Control shelter posted a funny adoption ad on their Facebook page.Tipping the scales at 28.5 pounds the shelter named the chubby feline ‘One Frosty Too Many’ or Frosty for short, after Wendy’s frozen treats. “You know we love a cat with a belly, and lord almighty this one has the best belly in town. Meet One Frosty Too Many,” wrote the shelter on its Facebook page. The shelter described the cat as 28.5 pounds of pudge with a side of crankiness. “As long as you let him do what he wants when he wants, everything is fine; still we recommend you proceed with caution.”The person who brought Frosty to the shelter said he found the chubby cat roaming the streets of Richmond, shared shelter director Christie Peters. The cat was morbidly obese but was otherwise in good general health. “We put him on a strict low-calorie diet and he wasn’t too happy about that,” said Peters, estimating that Frosty is about two years old. “Because he was cranky, we kept telling him he’ll feel a lot better when he loses weight.”Frosty’s adoption ad garnered a lot of attention, and many were interested in adopting the chubby tabby. However, one woman beat everyone to it and took Frosty home. Maggie Thompson, her husband, and two sons were on the way home to Stafford when she saw the Facebook post about Frosty. “I thought, ‘Oh, I want that cat,’” said Thomson, who owns a pet-sitting business, according to The Washington Post. She persuaded her husband, Mike, to stop in Richmond so they could visit the shelter and ask about adopting Frosty.As soon as she met Frosty, she knew that she couldn’t go home without him. “He got on my lap and started purring,” said Maggie. “With animals, they pick you. You just know when it’s right, and they do, too.”Thomson’s sons, Mickey and Andy, were ecstatic they’d be taking home a chubby cat. The family already has two cats, Rose and Wolfie, which are around one year old. “They are under seven pounds each - less than 14 pounds together,” said Thompson. “But I had a feeling they’d all get along just fine and become friends.”After Thompson filled out adoption papers, the shelter staff explained to her that Frosty would need to follow a strict diet and eat low-calorie cat food twice a day until he’d dropped half his body weight. The shelter didn’t have a large enough carrier for Frosty, so they placed him in a dog crate. “We put him in the back of the car, and he didn’t protest at all. He was a good rider and was pretty quiet the whole trip,” said Thomson. When they arrived home, Thomson placed the family’s newest addition into a spare room for a few days to gradually introduce him to their other two cats.Thomson decided that their new cat deserves a new name, one that won’t be associated with desserts. “We’ve decided to call him Gus. That’s what he looks like to me. I now call him Gussie, and he responds well to that.”Gus has adjusted nicely to his new home and loves lounging on the bottom level of a cat tree. Thomson plans to start a weight-loss journey page for Gus on Facebook to track his progress.Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

How Often Should I Clean My Bird's Cage?

Parrots and small birds are exceptionally vulnerable when their cage is left unkempt and dirty – proper hygiene and a clean space to rest and eat in are a must for the good health of all avians. What is more, a bird cage that is left unclean can become a threat to your health as well, with airborne bacteria and pathogens flying all over the place. All in all, it’s clear that regular cleaning of your bird's cage shouldn’t be seen as just a dull chore but as a necessary task to protect everyone’s health and wellbeing. However, while it’s obvious that you need to do it regularly, just how often should you clean your bird’s cage? Is it on a check-and-see basis or is there a recommended frequency of cleaning? Let’s find out.How Often Should I Clean My Bird's Cage?The frequency at which you should clean the cage depends on several factors, including the size of the cage, the number of birds you have, and the species of bird in question. For example, a smaller cage will get dirty in no time, while a large one that houses a single, bigger bird will remain cleaner for longer. While these are good starting guidelines, things are not that simple.The best approach to take is to clean the cage daily, weekly, and monthly. Of course, the amount of cleaning you do each day will differ from the one you do on a monthly basis – here’s how it should look like:Daily Cleaning:Change the  food and water dishes daily to ensure fresh food and clean water. This is imperative and a major part of caring for your bird. Don’t allow water to remain unchanged and food to go stale.

Jack Russell Terrier Adopts and Nurses Six Abandoned Kittens

People grow up believing that cats and dogs are mortal enemies. Phrases like “fight like cats and dogs" just reinforce that belief.But, is this really true? Is there no way for felines and canines to get along? As it turns out, dogs and cats can be more than friends.A Jack Russell terrier, named Teasel, has become a surrogate mom to six abandoned kittens. Sue Stubley, who lives in the Suffolk town of Newmarket, was contacted after a feral cat abandoned her litter. Ms Stubley, who runs Suffolk Hedgehog Hospital in Newmarket, primarily rescues hedgehogs but has agreed to take the abandoned kittens for the night and take them to the cat rescue center the next morning. However, Ms Stubley’s two-year-old Jack Russell had other plans. According to Ms Stubley, Teasel began lactating the same evening and the hungry kittens latched on to feed. “My dog decided that she was going to look after them. She’s lactating, she’s feeding them, she cleans them, she does everything. So it’s actually been quite easy for me,” said Ms Stubley.At first, Teasel wasn’t making enough milk, and Ms Stubley had to supplement the kitten’s feedings. However, the new mom managed to produce a lot of milk the following morning, and the more she nurses, the more she produces. Apparently, Teasel's maternal instinct kicked in quickly. “If anyone comes in that she doesn’t know and picks one of the kittens up, she’ll march over and go and pick them up and bring them to her back again. She’s adopted proper mum behavior.”Ms Stubley was initially worried about how Teasel might react and thought that she might go after one of the kittens. But that never happened.“By the time they were ready for their second feed, they were sat with her and cuddled up with her. Generally, she is a very gentle dog that loves and adores everyone. She loves children, she’s a great little dog. And apparently, her mum was very similar and was very nurturing so it’s obviously something that’s in her nature.” According to BBC, Dr Rachel Grant, a biologist at London South Bank University, explained that such interspecies adoptions are most likely the result of fixed action patterns in which the adopted animal is reacting to a certain trigger from the adoptee. “This sets off a cascade in the brain that elicits the pattern of behavior,” said Dr Grant. The closer the species are to one another, the higher the chances for cross-species adoption to happen. This means that it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever hear about an alligator nursing a puppy.“In baby mammals, there will be certain features that mammals share with other mammals,” said Dr Grant. “Cats and dogs, for example, are both mammals and the cues that are driving maternal behavior are very similar. They will be responding to certain cues.”When it comes to baby mammals, they will act on an instinct too. In Teasel’s case, the kittens are instinctively “rooting” - like human babies or puppies - for a nipple to feed on. “These things aren’t under conscious control,” Dr Grant explained. The strong maternal instincts exhibited by Teasel show that she’ll be a wonderful mother to her puppies, in case she one day gives birth to a litter of her own. Ms Stubley has already found loving homes for the kittens to go to when they are old enough, but she says she’ll miss them terribly.“As for Teasel, I don’t know how she’ll feel when they’re gone but I think she’s their surrogate mum for life now.”Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Thanksgiving Turkey Dog Treat Recipe (2024)
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