41 40 Mobile Heme Houtikold fioodi 2 76 JOURNAL HERALD Nor. 19, 1 970 Antiques LIBERTY "44; 10x55, w.w. carpet, 7x7 tables, Bossett, Prices Slashed PUBLIC FURN. 514 XLNIA Av. SMALL ANTIQUE TYPE OArfafLS, SI EA 276-44M snca, awning, air cona.
line snope, $4500. 294-0197 eves. LIBERTY, 8x41, Good Condition, car TABLES; 2-step, I cocktail, all marproof tops, brand new. SALI: SI5. R.L Lackey, 3716 N.
Main, 278-8282 peted, 1 BedroornL236-1618. MONI10R '70 trailer," 24 ft. like 224-9114 ext. 497; 275-4387 eves. Barth '4 self-contained 19' $3491 Season Clearance Sale Shasta motor home self contained $7495 Sterlfoam Truck Caps $125 1970 TRAVEL TRAILERS ot BIG SAVINGS.
DIXIE DR. VACUUM CLEANERS Papular mokes, yr. guarantee, S10 up. Parts. Service all makes.
REGINA, 1909 E. THIRD, 256-2551. UNUSUAL Dolls, Bisque, Molded Teeth, Babies, Negro, f-rench, Bavarian am) other, Brass head, papier mactie, wood buggies. 252-6833. UPRIGHT piono; Wuriltiei tuned recently good conditio S7j.
WANT TO PURCHASE' antinue collection or complete estate. Phone Antique Clem Long, Inc. 224-1953. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Dial DIRECT 224-9533 MARLETTE AND NEW MOON QUALITY MOBILE HOMES FOR LESS MOBILE HOMES, INC 1-75 EXIT 54 VACUUM CLEANERS BRAND NEW, tank type with 6 cleaning tools, advertised on TV tor SI9.88, reduced to S14.8S, lust I left. 4 have rug shampooer Included.
252-5618 or eves. 298-2411 Electro Hyqlene NEW YORKER 1971, 40x12 Loaded with extras, all set up on a beautiful lot, only $7695, EZ terms. BARTH, STUTZ'BEARCAT, FAN, TRAVELER WHEEL CAMPERS. ENON AUTO TRAILER SALES 28A Coins-Stampj ENON, OHIO 864-7337 SUNSHINE MUUILLfAKK. Dogs, Cats, Birds, Pets 22 IMiscellinms For San 24 OLD ROUTE 40-201 879-0456 CHEVROLET '65 "camper step van.
WROUGHT Iron glass top table with 2 chairs; small apt. refrigerator; Cherry cabinet TV; mahogany tea cart. Reasonable. Call 435-9120. needs tittle work.
Make offer. Can bt SCHULT '67; 12x50, Early American, DOGS extras, is j-jv or I6e-ura, BASEMENT sale; Thurs. thru Sol. 2809 Wlnburn, Belmont. Deep fryer, 23 In.
TV, ladles coat, table, toys, dolls, pottery, antique stemwore. WASHER, DRYERS, BIG SAVINGS AIR CITY COINS Third St. Arcade LEON MATUSOFF, 223-9313 A one week special 1964 proof-set, the only silver proof Kennedy. Only $5.45. Limit I please.
CLINE'S COINS 3718 SALEM AV. 274-9081 PUBLIC 514 XENI AAV. TROTWOOD MOBILE HOMES SEE ON DISPLAY ENON AUTO TRAILER SALES seen ot 1 19 Burns Apt. 5, CREE CASUAL HILLTOP SPRINGVIEW TRAILER SALES WEST MILTON, Q.l-698-5656 FORD '69; Ano, 22 low mileage. POVER-Pups, AK.G Red t-awn, pMioree, exceptlono! fan 3 female.
299-4S49. BASEMENT SALE, thru books, WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCE All new '69 models on sale, no reason ENON, OHIO 864 7337 able offer refused. excellent condition. 256-2510. CHRIS HARRIS EASTOWN SHOPPING 253-6131 E.
Stroop ond Mdrshall 294-1462 Sporting Equipment 30 VOLKSWAGEN '69 Camper; like new, $2750. 256-9324 after 5 p.m. VOLKSWAGEN '67; camper. Complete. Like new.
$1895 ENON AUTO it TRAILER SALES ENON, OHIO. 864-7337 old bottles, china, glassware, ueom bottles, Avon bottles, furniture and monv misc. Items. Far Hills to W. Whipp Rd 3 blocks to S.
Hampton, i blockto 213 Sanderson Dr. BASEMENT Sale: Appliances, clo-thlna, shoes, all sites, misc. Sat. Nov, 21, 8 5 p.m. 2017 W.
Rlvervlew. BLUE SPRUCE potted trees, 2-3 Save over 50 pet. 1405 Brandt1228-3639. BASEMENT SALE Sat. 9-6 thru many misc.
43 S. Terry St BORDER CWnes: rrebred. 6' vred bv imported dog. 898-2123. PUPS.
8 WEEKS OLD $20 EACH. J9WWS i OTUTPUPSTAKC, wk. females, tobies, $50. 275-5516 COCKER SPANIELS AKC black SStSs, for show and pel. 6 wks.
eld. 651 E. Third XonloO- COCK-A-POO; 8 Blond, male, perfect pet. 4344W79. WASHERS DRYERS BPAND NEW Warehouse Liquidation Sole NDJ-419 TROY ST.
224-9684 VINDALE, expando, almost new, sacrifice. 169 Country Club Voyager Village, New Lebanon, 835-3542. VINDALE '67; 40 12, completely furnished, skirting, excellent condl- tlon. 1-372-3974, 1-372-2235. BRAND new 71 Westbrook, 60x12, completely furnished $4795.
FERGUSON Mobile Homes RT. 35 Dayton Xenlo Expressway 8 Miles E. of Smlthvllle Rd. 426-1235 Open Closed Sun. WASHER.
Drver, $150, babv furniture. ALL name brand rifles and shotguns at reduced prices. Model 52 Winchester Snorter like new. Model 70 Winchester In 22 Hornet. Also super grades, 100 pistols In stock.
22 Escort In stock. Huber Heights Gun WILLIAMS Craft '69; 8 white birch Interior, stove, Ice box, sink, furnace, $100, 228-9155 days, 268-9383 eves. sleeps 4, $850. 866-4056. WASHERS AND DRYERS," New In A TRAILER SALES CHEVROLET '71 pickup bed, single Shop, ruVSuisiherion Husky, mixco, vvr factory cartons.
Blq savings. WARREN MOVING STORAGE 215 Klser St. 222-9027 and tandem axles. 274-9033. CAMPERS, trailers, parts, accessories 601 S.
Dixie, Vandalla, 898-3491 ATT EX all terrain vehicles. Sales wks. old. 845-9548. P3i 6 DON HOUNDS APT.
size stove; refrigerator, elec. BIG selection used 8, 10, 12 ft. wide mobile homes and campers. Priced to sell. Sell, buy, trade.
Cooper's Trailer Sales, W. Milton, O. Open Sunday. clothes dryer, end tables. 254-2131.
CAMERA, Swinger, Camera, Brawnle, Camera, Polaroid, like new, $25; Sun lamp, $15) chair (15; pipe threading outfit, 88; H.O. train, S20; Microscope, $5. 434-7342. Service area deoler. Miami valley Shooting A-l GUN SHOP SPECIAL Complete line of new quns by Mauser, Oberndorf, W.
Germany, Model 2000 rifle SI 19; Model MSC pistol S99. Now takinq firm orders for model P-08 9 mm Luger "Credit Cards." Call 223-3006, 9-9, 7 days. ALL FURNITURE, discount Prices PUBLIC 514 XENIA Av "APPLI ANCES RECONDIllONf that took LIKE NEW. HUNDREDS There is always Someone Looking for wKat you No longer Need" or want to replace Hundreds of thousands of interested buyers scan Little GIANT FAMILY Want Ads every day seeking items they need. IF you have an item you no longer need, why not turn it into usable cash to buy something you do need.
Or If you want to replace an appliance, a piece of furniture, you'll get more money for them if you will sell them yourself through FAST-ACTING Little GIANT FAMILY Want Ads. and if's so easy to place a little GIANT FAMILY Want Ad DIAL DIRECT 224-9533 An Ad-visor will assist you in writing the most effective ad at the lowest cost. TO CHOOSE FROM. True Value appli CACTUS FLANTS Also large variety Indoor vines, ferns, etc. 5000 to choose from N.
Dayton Garden 1915 Troy FINE USED MOBILE HOMES GOOD selection Low payment WE FINANCE OUR OWN TRAILER VILLAGE SALES' TTYSB RG AT WEST RN HOUSE trailers (2) for safe, will consider selling on contract. 233-0206. ances $26 and up. BROWNING BLR large selection i tRAMIC qrcenwarc ot reasonable prices. 233 4500.
New 308 lever deer rifle now In stock. McCoy 2659 S. Dixie, 298-7531 Eastown Shopping, 252-3242 Town Country, 293-5602 HUGE DISCOUNT PUBLIC 514 XENIA AV. ATTENTION GRAND OPENING SALE TROTWOOD. TRAILERS FROM 17'2to26ft.
Your New Franchise Dealer Drop In-Browse Around Factory Representative Here Nation Wide Trailer Sales W. Carrollton, 859-8227 D-J CAMPERS MOTOR HOME DEMONSTRATOR SALE LOADED WITH EXTRAS 25' Open Road motor home $9975 22' AALITE, al flberglas $9975 23' Open Road chassis mount $7500 19' Arro, many extras, only $6150 18'Traller, sleeps 6 $2500 D-J CAMPERS 275-0311 5513 N.DIXIE EVES 'TIL9, Sun. 1-5 Call 275-4aWerjJ-m TGSH DOSS, brokj' Ir" Call WkUMVM' JAKC blacks and livers, $40 "V2im-DACHSHUNDS, MINIATURE, AKC, 8 wks old. $65. 298-4561.
DASSfiUNDj AKC, rnlnjOturt puppies. Also studjej-vClj2e4W. rfA pups, AKC, 8 block and red. 850. 885-2548.
DOBERMAN Puppies, female, 6 wks. Reg. AKC, S125JI92-6m DObXrman pup, rrle, win hold till ttrlstmos.JM65leye. ENGLISH Bull' Dog pups. AKC, brln- dle-Wttlttj $250, 864-1816.
GERMAN Shepherd pup, AKC, female, black ond ton. 878-8W0. GERMAN Shepherd, male, CHRISTMAS trees. Approximately UBn 8,000 Scotch Pine on stump In DAYTON GUN HDQ. 2336 N.
Main Southern Indiana close to Cincinnati, COLT government 32 automatic, hols- AUTOMATIC Wasner and Dryor, good MUST SELL, new '70 Mobile Homes. IJo Reasonable Offer Refused We have space, 278-2573; 278-3565 Goodwin Mobile Homes, 30 Sinclair. I LLAGE Mobile ome Soles Sherwood Forest Estotes Large wooded lot still available. Rt. 49 South, Greenville, 0.
1-548-8024. Just 25 minutes from Salem Mall uayion una Louisviiie. uujs ter, ammunition, 5105. 26-164 eves. Y61-I1I1; Niqnts ous-ssi-uvm r-crson to Person Dr.
Bernard. i MEC 600 Jr. reloader, 12 gouge end supplies, best offer. 268-5497. condition.
849-6906. DISTRIBUTOR CLOSEOUT SALE Motorola and Norge products Esco 221 Crane St. 224-9192 MARLIN Lever Action 30-30 carbine, 2 yrs. old, $60 2 53-3206 after 6. LIKE new modern sofa, chair, 12 cu.
ft. refrigerator, chrome dinette, bar stools, hlde-a-bed, chest, box springs, mattress, ladders, lovely size 12 coats, dresses. 434-6448. UXURY block POOL TABLES 30 tables must qo! 4x3, SI 29.50 up, also 4x8 slate table kits, $399 Dayton Bowling Billiard Supply 3236KetterlngBlvd. 293-6805 REMINGTON 1100 trap, never used, Sheoherd' pups AKC, shot, DOGHOUSES, Retail, Wholesale.
2637Vallcy, .2337812 FLEA market every Sunday, Phllllps-burg, corner Main and State. Dealers welcome.J36-6267. GARAGE SALE: Estate clearance, some furniture, antiques, 1523 Wake Nov. 21, 10-2. GTE.
40" elec. rdnqe, $30; Hotpolnt 40" elecrango, $20. 433-3318. GREAT AV INGS SUM Gym Deoler going out of business, 4 units, S80 ca. 885-7292 223-5824.
6 si. ttJ-uuuo Ohio Home Furnishings 1220 N. BROAD, Falrborn 879-1600 in box, model 12, 16-12 auaae, 30' full. New, furnished models open for Inspection at Dayton's finest mobile ntodeM2, 26 full. 435WB SKI-000 SNOWMOBILES ENGLEWOOD TRAILER SALES 547 S.
Main Englewood JI3M436 SHOT GUN, Winchester, 50, 12" ga" automutlc, $135; Stevens Savage 20 qu. single, $25; coat 256-0451. MOTOR HOMES SUPERIOR AND WINNEBAGO ENGLEWOOD TRAILER SALES 547 S. Main Englewood 836-5434 NEW '71 CHAMPION 23 ft. tandem axle, fully self contained.
Only $3095. FERGUSON Mobile Homes RT. 35 Dayton-Xenla Expressway 8 Miles E. of Smlthvllle Rd. 426-1235 Open Closed 5un.
IMPORTANT NOTICE! CLOSE-OUT! SUBURBAN MOBILE HOMES Is discontinuing the Travel Trailer Sales Service to devote full time la GERMAN SHEPHERD S20 and SIS. 275-3643after4. GERMAN I FEMALE Pups, AKC Rea. 293 9664. GERMAN Shepherd pups, AKC, excellent bloodlines.
277-8657 eves. GERMAN Shepherd, pure white female, AKC, 6 all shots. 22MO0J. GRfcAl DANES Pups-Adult-Stud Service Anpall KENNELS 890 0183 7rTsH siller' pup's, AKC, male, excellent hunting stock. 849 0236 eves.
IRISH SETTER" PUP'S AKC, shols, wormed IO 293-3971 or 252-0362. ROARK'S ASK YOU COMPARE WHY PAY MORE save 2 WAYS AT ROARK'S DISCOUNTS TRADE INS ROARK FURNITURE, INC. IN LAURA, OHIO ANY QUESTIONS DIAL 836-2621 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 T0 9 3 COMPLETE rooms of furniture, living room, bedroom, kitchen, eclor TV, china, misc. All very nice. 278-5426 after 6.
home community. 2-3-4 bedrooms, 1-lVs baths. Country club atmosphere. Spacious lots. Swlmmlnq pool.
Recreation center. From $5,995 complete Easy financing. Models open 10 HICKORY KNOLL 10188 Wood Road (66-5751 TURKEY SHOOT Nov. 21st 8, 22nd. Paper and clay tarqets.
Dyslngers Nursery. Rt. 202, 1 mile north of Rf. 440. GARAGE Sole, washer, dryer, stove, toys, misc.
3112 Sudbury. 293-500. GARAGE sale. Our first sale. Some baby ilems, some never used wedding presents.
Other items. 4029 Mayvicw Dr. (near Mart on Salem Av 12-7 and Sat. 9-5. GARAGE and Kitchen Sole, Frl.
10-7; 212 Hamilton Av. off E. Fifth. GARAGE Sole; 26 Richmond Av. Sol.
noon til dark. Unusual garage SALE; Children clothing, baby items, misc. 1406 Darst Ave. Frl, 20th, 10 till 6 p.m. GARAGE Sale: Wed.
thurs. Frl. Sot. 9 to 4 PM, 322 Gunckel Av. GARAGE SALE, Sat Sun.
4324 Delhi Dr. Household goods, misc. Directions: From Dayton Shopping Mall, south on AAoblle Home Parks 8, Soles. 4 UNITS LEFT '70 TROTWOOD Motor Home for rent. Completely self contained, Ideal for hunting and skiing.
837-4449. V. W'. Turkey Shoot, Walt Ben-" nett Farm, Verona, Nov. 22.
1 p.m. Everybody welcome. route 741 to 1st crossroad, then west to Wood Road. TROTWOOD 21 6 sleeper $3,077 TROTWOOD 19', 6 sleeper $2,585 TROTWOOD 18', 6 sleeper $2,475 IRISH Setter" Puppies, 8 wks AKC, pet or hunting. Xcnlal-372-5777: KEESHOND, AKC "Champions blood, female, '4 mos, 885-334IL LABRADOR Relrievcrs, papers, shots.
864 7337 864-2238 alter 8 pm LHASA APSO puppies, champ, sired, WHY SETTLE FOR THE NO. 1 SNOWMOBILE? SKI-DOO Leads the Pack. Big selection now The big push Is on and wo are dealing Television, Radio Olftco Equipment 35 39 Household Qoods 40 Maltese, AKC, OCCepi uhkmue ouie, mm, iviohcsc, Now you can buy a lorqe travel trailer for the price of the smaller unit. SUBURBAN MOBILE HOME DIV. OF VOYAGER VILLAGE Rt.
35 West 835-5556 Weekday 9-8, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 1-4 also Yorkies, rrrdit cards. Oxford 523-6744 mnp.rt.ncnc u. a RCA portable TV, brand new, AM093 SALE $48.
Open Hours 9-9 R. L. Lackey, 3716 N. Main, 278-8282 tuny can, Mediterranean. Buy of the fac- ATTENTION We bslieve our prices are lower NEW and USED FURNITURE RUGS APPLIANCES-TV Come see 5 floors of our warehouse loaded with bargains like 4- pc.
new bedroom 59.95 Bunk beds, maple, oak 39.95 New 4-dr. chest drawer 15.95 5- pc. dinette sets 29.95 Bookcase, glass doors 13.95 200 New Lamps 3.45 9x12 linoleum rugs 5.95 New sofa bed 39.95 Rollaway bed and Innerspring mattress 29.95 Base rocker 13.95 Mattress or box spring ea 17.95 Set 3 tables, 2 step end, 1 cock-tall 15.95 MnnmiahlHt. mfn hftric 4-1)11 terms, payments arranged. Great selection of garments, ladles', men's, children's, suits, boots.
nqucv Ul munur VI1U nuuci nn. GARAGE SALE, 18, 19, 20. 9'to" 6 National Geographic, old bottles, Avon, household items, tools, bicycles misc. 4691 Mlddlebrook Dr. Off Indian Rlfflf Rd.
Beavcrcreek. lUiy, A44-40JI. NATIONAL Shuffle board, 20 ft. $75. Kelly's Bar, 736 Wyoming St.
NATIONAL Cash Register; (24301) 1 yr. old, 9 total, 9 yr. warranty transferable. $1245 value, selling for $895. 1-419-268-2081, Cellna, Eve.
MflbltK COIL MFG. MOBILE HOUSING YOUR BEST BUY FOR THE DOLLAR Why Rent when you can buy a deluxe mobile home from a Voyager Village housing reprentatlve at these locations SUBURBAN M03ILE HOMES Rt. 35, W. Third 833-3333 SPRING VALLEY ESTATES Rt. 725, Spring Valley, Ohio, 848-2801 KINGS HIGHWAY PARK 4001 KINGS HIGHWAY 277-5161 See Ihe tastest mobile homes, over STEREOS ALL BRAND NEW Warehouse Liquidation Sale NDJ-419 TROY ST.
224-9684 OPEN DAILY, closed MON. NORTHMOOR MARINA N. SHORE, LAKE ST. MARYS TV'S, color No. 210, $149.95 up.
New GE, RCA, Zeniths. Magnavox. MAIN APL. 2212 N. MAIN 20 GUAGE REMINGTON 17 $50; 16 HIDDEN beos, new foam with Serta mattress, nylon, brand new.
Sale $98. RX. Lackey, 3716 N. Main, 278-8282 HOT PoTnT, aulomotlc new, LW802, SALE $118 Hrs. 9-9.
R. L. Lockey7M NMoln 278-8282 HOLLYWOOD BEDS, new $347 But at the factory. 222-4631. MASTER COIL MFG.
STEEL FILE CABINETS Art Metal, grade 4 drawer letter size files, choice of 4 colors, regular $122, now only $69. HSP metal files, 2, 3, 4, 5 drawer, letter and legal sizes, factory seconds $29 to $49 36x18x72" dbl. door storage cabinets now $49. SALEM, 277-93197 THERMO FAX Model 45 A Copier $125. Call, 222-1296 quagc Remington sportsman Wiy, 12 quagc Remington 48B $110; 8-pluce Wormwood qun cabinet $125; Remington portable typewriter $22; 14 ft.
alum, boat with trailer and hp. ZENITH color TVs up to $300 off during giant expansion sale. Over 500 new 1970 71. Allow us to prove our prices and service can't be beaten. BUCKEYE SHOWROOMS 879-2100 16 S.
BROAD FAIRBORN KITCHEN f.ARINFT. Mkr i nnm'hfnnHc9 Wo hnu thpnv THIS WEEK SPECIAL 19' LIL HOBO SELF CONTAINED With oven, gas-elec. refrlgerotor, stool, shower, hot water heater, Sleeps 6, was $3218.40, now $2650 INSIDc SHOWROOMS TRAVEL TRAILER CENTER Rt. 25 A or loop 1-75 N. Of Plqua EXIT 56 Johnson.
$210. 1-833-2447. Many sizes. Available up to 60 pet. Bossett, Queen, City Authentic, Maple, off.
40 different ones to choose from, ZENITH 19 nortnblp TV. hrnnri npw. Notional, Colony, Craft, Coronette, Lo, 30A KPC-2831 SALEM, 274-2792 Boats and Motors irtai.ua, iieavy weiyni, uiiilu luuie tioyv, ortLt yy. Hours v-y, with Formica tops, all colors and size, R. L.
Lackey, 3716 N. Main. 278-8282 SEE US AND SAVE! VOYAGER VILLAGE LINOLEUM, large 9x12 size. $5. Buy reduced from $129 to $49.
S8.V, 3934 Salem Av. 277-9397 tne iuv-iui v. t'OSt. MASTER COIL MFG. Lane, Klncade, Bernhardt, Gold Seal, Tappan, Norge, Zcniih, Aomnai, etc.
In slock on our floor for delivery now. WE BELIEVE NOBODY BUTBUT NOBODY CAN SELL FURNITURE AS LOW AS I DO COME SEE AT MILLER'S WAREHOUSE SALES 35 Years at Mobile Hornet For Rent 4IB LINOLEUM remnants, all sizes and colors. Enouah for mnnv hntht. LLEWEiTiN setters. 3 puppies, full old.
890-1434 'POODLE Pups; Special, AKC toys. Stud Service, 4 colors. 848-26s POODLES; akc, black toy puppies, 8 S75JO 1100. 29B-4589. POODLE, purebred, opricol, female, $60.
256-6777. POODLE" pups, toys, AKC, silver and white, 5 wks, S75 299-0420 poodle, Toy, female, 6 akc white, beautiful. 877-8524. POODLE; miniature, 3 months old, shots, $50, no papers. 236-3218.
POODLE; BLACK TOY, STUD SERVICE, PROVEN. 659-3923 POODLE PUPPIES; AKC. small miniatures, (Lovcable pets.) 256-7112. POODLES: black miniature, reasonable, 3 weeks old. 228-8416.
POODLE brown, miniature, AKC, tern a I 18 nice pel or fine breeder. $50. 256 3539. POODLE, AKC apricot male, 7 mos. old, S50.
236-04. POODLE; miniature, 11 Lovable. Sacrifice. 450 233-9469 eve. POODLES, white toywill bo ready tor Christmas.
1-465-5142 eves. POODLE, lovable sliver toy puppies, AKC, 6WkS. $85 CO. 299 7586. POODLE PUPPIES, AKC: GROOMING, STUD SERVICE.
236-2034, POODLES; toys, AKC, White and Silver Beige, 8 shots, trimmed. Pediarcc. Will sacrifice. 233-7241. POODLES, AKC.
black mole toy miniatures, 434-0760 alter 5.30 ZENITH color TV's Glont 23" console only $398 during giant expansion sale. New 1970 all channel deluxe features automatic fringe locks. Model A450-1 generous trade-in allowances. BUCKEYE SHOWROOMS 879-2100 16'S. BROAD FAIRBORN INDOOR FLEA MARKET Room For 200 "Dealers" EVERY SAT.
SUN. Table or "Lock-Up" Spaces COMING SOON AT. Richard 8, Linden CALL 513-277-2046 KITCHEN sale, lots of Avon, misc. 4820 Apex Model Trailer Court Thurs. thru Sun.9 1o6 P.M.
NURSERY STOCK AND SHRUBS OPEN 9T09; 7 DAYS WEILER FRUIT FARMS Bartlcy Brantford Rds, 890-2451 OLD A A I HOUSE OPEN AGAIN NEW HOURS-FRI. and SAT. 9-S 7531 N. MAIN SX SNOWMOBILE 1970 Mercury, 25HP $1,050 1970 Mercury, 22HP $1,100 1970 Mercury, 20 HP $750 1970 Rupp, 30 HP $995 1969 Boa SM.28HP $595 All '71 Mercury Snowmobiles In stock Troy Radiator Marine North of Falrqrounds on Route 25A Ph. 1-332-4321 SLIM Gym, sofa, etc.
Reasonable. 299-7038, 708 Brookfleld Rd. UTILITY rRAII I double springs $9.95 each. KPC-2831 SALEM. 274-2792 BROOKVILLE near; 2bedroom adults only No pets.
275-0812. 502-4-6 c. nira Mreei EAST near WPAFB, 1-2 bedroom Cash or Terms with approved credit $24-530, also monthly. 426-5935. LARGE Selection; desks, chairs, filling cabinets, safes, tremendous savings.
Mercury, with trailer. Excellent. 433-3558 LARSON '69 85 h.p. Johnson trailer, many extras, $2,400. 294-1055.
A AFT '68; 16' with Mer Cruiser, 120 hp, trailer, like new $2325. City Loan Savings Co. 2843 KEENAN Ave, 2300, 1 bedroom, AAA dults, no pets. $25 deposit. MAIN 2-bedroom, $30 $50 LIVING ROOM Sectionals, 3-plece foam-nylon.
Brand new. SALE $98. R.L, Lackey, 3716 N. Main, 27B-8282 224-7257 15 S. St.
Clair ZENITH black-white portable TV's, up to $40 off during giant expansion sale. Over 100 new 1970-71 with exclusive 1 yr. unconditional guarantee. Get smart Get OUR Prices too. BUCKEYE SHOWROOMS 879-2100 16 S.
BROAD ST) FAIRBORN always" have a lot of good TVs at LOW LOW prices reconditioned and guaranteed. 461-5261. B-H-A, 868 S. Patterson Blvd. deposit.
No children. 859-8327. MODERN mobile homes. 1-2 bedroom LIVING ROOM; 2-pc. Big Sofa, Chair, Nylon-Foam, NEW SALE, $68.
R.L. LACKEY, 3716 N. Main, 278-8282 Reasonab e. ooen Man. Thru Sat.
Closed Sun. 35A Store Fixtures LIVING ROOMS, ALL STYLES WE'VE CUT PRICES! PUBLIC FURN. 514 XENIA AV. Salem. 1968 ST AIRCRAFT 16' open bow aluminum outboard boat, 7 capacity, can COLOR TV, $100.
black-white TV Stereo console $75. 236-1971. KELSO MOBILE PARK 837-2174 NORTH," 1 bedroom, clean, quiet, utilities $26. 223-7435 278-6820. NORTH, 2 bedrooms, no children, $85 mo.
plus deposit. 233-5902. vas, extras. Johnson 40 hpm, little LIVING room 2-pc. new heavy covers, PRODUCE cooler, frozen food, ice cream cooler, 2 dairy coolers with compressors, other equipment.
Almost new. 1-833-2465 278-7091. Dude trailer, oil A-l sacrfice, moving. COLOR TV, Stereos, reduced prices. PUBLIC FURN.
514 XENIA AV. ounbQMonai vaiue soo. Factory 400 E. 5th, 224-4348 434-1736 after 5:30 p.m. Good condition.
2B-4vou. WELCOME to the fair, noon AUCTION Action by Hypes 8, Marker, Auctioneer, Shlloh Church, 5300 Phila COLOR TVs. ALL Brand New VALLEY furnished, all utilities WEISS FURNITURE IS ON THE MOVE! 4 LIVING suite. 2 dc. rose." $150: hrenk.
r. Warehouse Liquidation Sale i a ANDERSON FERRY MARINA SEE OUR DISPLAY of Houseboats, Runabouts ond Snomo- paid, pay weekly. 898-2634. 224-9684 or KHJft Machinery, tools, Mtrs. 36 NUJ 41V I RUT ST.
bllcs NOV. 19-24 AT THE delphla Dr. 12:01 p.m. NOV. 21, PMHT ShLET! nisrounliniietl colors In Latex, Semi- urvip)w room suuo, usea SZV.V5 FAMILY FURNITURE 278-9697 Mobile Hornet Wanted 41 TROTWOOD TRAILERS INCORPORATED TROTWOOD, OHIO ANNOUNCING THE FRANCHISING OF NATION WIDE TRAILER SALES WEST CARROLLTON, O.
PHONE 859-8227 Total Trofwood Moda's Displayed Total Service. Facilities Total Accessories Displayed Total Satisfaction Guaranteed COLOR TV's, RCA, Zenith, G.E. Up to one third off, with service. Must be sold. WARREN MOVING STORAGE, 215 Klser 222-9027.
LINOLEUM Rugs 9x12 $5.95 AIR COMPRESSORS, NEW-USED SERVICE-RENTALS TO 50 HP. BUCKEYE Cincinnati Convention Center. Or Stop In Today at 4333 RIVER CINCINNATI, O. 1-921-4444 KUBENSTEIN'S 1142 W. THIRD gloss ond high gloss engines, SI and "POODLE pups, "toys, AKC, 6 wks.
$50-575. Holdtor Xmas. 1-692-876. 'sCHNAUZER7mfnlature temole, ears cropped, 3 mos.j$J25. 836-7375, 6CHNAUZERS, AKC, standards, 5 curs cropped, trained, good guard dogs.J -437-1749, New Paris.
SCHNAUZERS," rnlhaturc, 8 wks. ears, shots, AKC. 1-462-7154. LINOLEUM rugs, new, 9 12. Sale $6, llGHlLJ c5 "IffJVnrHon $275 24" Trlnco Cahlnet $90; WT-20 "lth- Ncw.
Set warranty. VI per gallon. LOWE BROS. PAINT CO. 110 E.
CALL 426-1235 FERGUSON MOBILE HOMES offer. 268-4372, 263 0645. MATTRESSES, springs, new used Drill $325; Cutter Grinder $800; Arc i.VS"" Yours WHILE Selection Is Good. WESTERN FURNITURE 223-3291 Welder $195; Bench Lathe, $275. BOAT STORAGE NDJ-419 TROY ST.
224-9684 24A Baby Needs JONESMACKCO. 278-7337 MAYTAG WASHER AND DRYER Floor sample closeouts nslde Outside 10' METAL BENDING COLD cash for mobile homes or campers. Buy, sell, trade. Cooper's Trailer Sales. 1-698-6200.
W. Milton, O. USED TV'S, 17 $24.95 Guaranteed FRANTZ 254-3535 SCHNAUZER, mlnature, AKC, femolc I champion line. $100. Ph.
Arcanum 1-692-8913 after 4. FRANTZ TV 2721 Linden 254-3535 Mulling, Mailing machine, 24-1486 POLICE PATROLLED 1970 Outboard motors al cost price. MATTRESSES. boxsDrinas, famous HABY MATTRESSES, $9.95 Value, Now $6.88. Rubenstelns' 1142 W.
3rd. Miscellaneous For Rent 25 Rooms of New Walther Marine 859-3610 name brands, soiled, nonmotched, 35 Household Goods SHELTIES AKC, tri color and blue, 40 Trailer Parks Campsites 4IE 37 Coal, Coke, Wood per cenr orr, t-rontz f-urn 254-3535. MATTRESS, BOX SPRINGS both AMANA freezer R.L. Lackey, 3716 1 load. Sale $58.
278-8282 Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches 31 guaranteed 10 yrs. new. Sale $18. R.L. Lackey, 3716 N.
Main, 278-8282 ASH and OAK FIREWOOD. Delivered and StdCked. Reasonable. 256-5657, BIG SALE'ON SEASONED FIREWOOD. 835-3174 mobile home spaces available Inl of Ohio's finest ond most modern mobile home parks.
864-7021. SPACE AVAILABLE FOR 10x50 $40.30 Sinclair; 278-6820; 278-2573 MATTRESSES. Orthonedir. inn In nrn BUNK BEDS, complete, 200 In production. Buy at the factory.
222-4631. MASTER COIL MFG. aucnon. Buy ar ine factory. 222-4631.
DIAMOND SPECIAL 'A CARAT $99; 1 CARAT $229 RICH PAWN, 25 E. SECOND ST. CARPET rental, 1 room or houseful k.L. Lackey, 3716 N.JIAaln. 27B-8282 "CHAIN SAWS TOW BARS Bob'sRenlal, 625 Brown, 223-3953 RENT A COLOR TELEVISION R.L.
Lackey, 3716 N. 0278-8282 RENT automatic washers, dryers R.L. Lackey, 3716 N. Main, 278-8282 MAllfcR COIL MFG. FIREWOOD V'2 CORD, $20 Cord NORGE washer, brand new.
mnulnr $35. Split, $5 half; $8 cord. 1-780-5215 YOUR MOBILE HOME FIREPLACE WOOD merles, male, female. 426-9324. ST.
BERNARD puppies. The Dorfll Kennels, Pandora, O. (419) 358-7165. Open except Sun. ST-BERNARDS, AKC, male 3 female 1 SIBERIAN" Huskies, AKC, 5wks.
beautifully marked, 2 silver, 2 black, males, $100 and up. 1-834-5862. SIBERIAN HUSKIES, AKC, 13 i permanent shots, blue eyes. $75 and up. Call collect 1-964-8896.
fCOtt'fSH ferrieri female 9 wks7, Chamolon sired, $125. 8 mo. spayed female, no papers, $50. 228-4406. WIRE Haired Terrier, AKC, 3 males, 8 1 mole, 6 mos.
837-5360. WIRE HAIR TERRIER, R. BEDDING any size, reduced prices PUBLIC 514 XENIA Av. BEDROOM SUITES, complete with mattress and box springs. 200 In pro duction.
Buy at the factory. 222-4631, MASTER COIL MFG. 32 In a deluxe new park, lust minutes north to New Carlisle. 878-3343. Wearing Apparel Seasoned, Split.
Free Delivery. We PATS TRUCK CAMPER SALES CHARLETTE AND ELDORADO POP-A-TOP TRUCK COVERS 8 ft. campers, $895 up 1698 Brandt Pike 233-7762. Travel TrallersGampers 42 Miscellaneoos Wanted 27 Specialize In Quantity and Quality. You'll save by calling 1-773-8306 FIREPLACE Wood for solo CALL 293 9918 TRAILER 71; 27 A-ti self con; AIRSTREAM JR.
and Misses dresses, slocks, etc. sizes 5, 7, 9, 12, 14; like new. 890-3926. LADIES dresses, coats," etc. sizes 7, 8, 9, and 10.
298-8062, 5 p.rrL THREE COAT and dress outfits, other misc. clothing, almost new and stylish, size 5-7 lunlor. 276-4983 eves. talned, big sacrifice for cash. 836-3074.
FIREWOOD, $25 cord. 228-4870 FURNITURE ONLY 388 PLUS BONUS At No Extra Cost Full size innerspring maHress and spring! including 9-Pc. LIVING ROOM Sofa, matching chair with durable cover choice of colors plus 3 tables and two decorator lamps. 6-Pc. BEDROOM NEW 1971 models NOW on OUR LOT.
BATH VANITY AND TOP ONLY $54.88. NEW AT KPC-2831 SALEM, 274-2792 BEDROOM sets, new-used $69.95 up. WESTERN FURNITURE, 223-3291 BED, twin, blond, oak, box springs, mattress $25; large rocker chair $25. 1 ALWAYS buying furniture, appliances WEST LKN FURNITURE 223-3291 ALL CALLS to 256-3961 for nlve you prompt service and I quick cash. Call now.
ARE you selling? We are buying $139.95 marred wg 1101, Sale $68. R. L. Lackey, 3716 N. Main 278-8282 provincial end or lamp tables, $30 each excellent condition.
298-4531. QUEEN Size mattress, box" springs, frame, good condition. 275-1855. RANGES, gas ond electrTc7New GE Corning, Tappen, Sunray, Large Selection. Drastically reduced.
MAIN APPL, 2212 N. MAIN REFRIGERATORS, Closing out all new '70 models. Reduced. MAIN APPL. 2212 N.
MAIN REFRIGERATORS $138 NEW NameBrond. FRANTZ, 254-3535 REFRIGERATORS, new, In factory cartons. Big savings. Warren Moving Storage, 215 Klser St. 222-9027.
FULL cord delivered and stacked Classified 224-9533 KELSO TRAILER SALES NEW LEBANON, O. 837-2174 within 10 ft. of truck. All season hardwood, Building Material, Bidgs. 33 FARMER'S MARKET PLACE lurnnure.
appliances, ere. uer our otter before you sell. 256-3851. iooa condition. 252-7697.
BEDROOM FURNITURE, black chest, lamp, bed, misc. 223-2909. G. C.jMURPHY CO. QUALITY FlREWOOD-dellvered, stacked, unconditionally guaranteed, $35 for FULL Cord Seasoned Marvin Smith Sons, 1-962-2257.
SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale. Call 278-1579 GOOD BUY ON ODD SIZE STORM WINDOWS. $5.00 and up. TOWNE 8, COUNTRY Construction. 298-7264 AKC, $35 29B-353B.
WIRE Fox Terrier; Male, 4 AKC, Top Quollly, Show or Brcedimi Stock HILLDALE KENNELS. Springfield, jOhio, 1-3250109 WEST Highland AKC terriers, mole, I' female, 4 mos.2?5-86lU. YORKIES," adorable puppies" AKC Top quality. Also mother. 382 8221.
Farms, Buy, Sell, Rent AAA Price for Furniture, Appliances, Antiques, Tools, misc. Cash InJ hour. Call anytime. 277-2141 A TOP price, used furniture, ma i Oovrs. ret i lac-rotors 253-5665.
Jiattle, Hon, Stock, Suppliet 30 POLLED HEREFORDSri5'sleeri, 15 heifers, 450-500 lbs. 837-4990. Lots More, Loss Money NORTH; FARM FOR RENT, 14 acre pasture. 233-4992. PRT FINISHED PANELS COMPART AKlrW'Q MdfHc r.nnrl SPECIAL on good firewood.
By cord or 'j cord. Delivered. 274-8855. AM. arniw nnd Ann nnrev TDP PRICES Mid.
RANGES, electric or gas. New. Warehouse Llqudatlon sale. NDJ-419 TROY ST. 224-9684 "REFRIGERATORS, dbl.
door, $75; slnale door. $50. 277-0533. Wanted To Buy Tywano 2.99 Vinyl Dusk 3.75 Morning Gold 5.35 Pioneer Hickory 5.35 Piano, Musical Items 38 Guaranteed 6 mos. Vet checked, scot-; rr CM.L 223-7383 fnnrt lirrirrs.
Keacles, St. Bernards, appliances, misc. antiques. 253-6457 40 GOOD FEEDER PIGS OCh. 1439-4104 35 POLLED HEREFORD COWS, some with calves.
1-869-6265 13 ANGUS HEIFERSTWea: 1-787-3369 WOODS wanted 254-9310 REFRIGERATORrdoibl. door, side JSE PIl case bed, large chest of BLACKSTONE washer, new, regular $129, marred, RXD Soli tit. R. L. Lackey, 316 N.
Main. 278-8282 BUNK BEDS, GREAf LY REDUCED AV. BEDROOM, 4-pc. bed, chest, dresser, mirror, terrific value, $69. New.
Factory 400 E. 5th, 224-4341 BUNK BEDS, maple, new, sale $48. R.L. Lackey, 3716 N. Main, 278-8282 BEDROOM suites, greatly reduced" PUBLICFURN.
514 XENIA AV; 0 0 suites, double dresser, mirror, large 4-drawer chest, bookcase bed brand new SALE $68, R.L. Lackey, 3716 N. Main, 278-8282 CHESTS and ORESSERS; New, Used WESTERN FURNITURE 223-3291 CHAIRS (2), modern, blue green, good condition, both $25. 299-0276. oy siae.
New. Trees Wanted 254-2969 KPC-2831 SALEM, 274-2792 Oiled Crown Walnut 5.35 Callcnte Mission Birch 6.55 Salem Cherry 6.55 Avocado Fleect 7.25 Drown Oak 7.25 Sunset Ash 7.25 Dochshunds, Dolmations and Welsh FURNITURE ond Appliances wanted Corais, Lhasa Apso, Pek'nncse, Aus-i any condition. 254-9778 anytime, trolian Terriers. Over 200 pups on FURNITURE WANTED USED, 1 display. Time payment plan.
All credit piocc or houseful. Top dollar paid, tards acceptable. Will hold tor Xmos. tal, novv la5, pckuP, 222-9948. drawers In walnut or gray, plus two lamps.
5-Pc. DINETTE Includes lorge Formica tap table ond 4 heavily padded chairs. 25 Blq Growlhy Duroc Boars wiii add Pounds to your herd. 20 rugged 300 lb. Gil ready to breed.
Garland Eyler, Fntnn 1 ml Farm machinery, Tools REFRIGERATOR trostless, Frlgldolre automatic washer, elec. range ond ryer. 223-3810 eves. ACME DRUM OUTFIT Good used many extras $75 HAUER MUSIC, 34 E-FJRSTST. APOlLO upright $79; 25 TH BIRTHDAY SALE.
200 PIANOS and ORGANS reduced 10 to 40 pet. Come In NOW. Your best opportunity to save this year. Terms. 15 E.
2nd. 224-0511. FITZSIMMONS Sells Happiness A-l Glftl Sllvcrtone Gultpr and ampll-llcr, like new, both $175. 274-6509. International 56 4 row Planter, like Vi ml, S.
of U.S. 40 on Monroe Centra new; 1 row no. 7 New Idea picker; Rd. 1-678-5730 nroe "ntrat M-Farmall tractor $500; 10 row field i- lv. 4-Pc.
BEDROOM braver 1-667-2075 Ln0c'-' wnne t-oce and Angus) Bed, chest, springs and mattress ol i an. steers and heifers. St. Rt. 48, 1st no extra cost.
IhlS 00 WOnn wn uny Mi'i'tJT- 1-825 5041, 1-825-5085 and 1 825 3393. bbGS, 'Birds, all kinds ot pels and supplies. Xenla Ave. Pets. 252-3611.
PUPPIES. part Dachshund, 2 mos old. wormed, $5 ea. 293-8834. WHFLPHIG pen lor medium to lame size con convert to Bunny pen.
Sturdy and well made. 433 2594. AAGAWD Prnrtlre Pinnn 175 i.ei us ocniuns.iaic new i-oku buuu crossroad Ludlow Falls 1st (arm GOOD USED TRACTORS S. side W. Horseshoe Bend Rd HOLT7.MULLER TRACTOR SALES Wolf, Troy 335-3213 eves FARMERSVILLE 1-696-2611 TRACTOR) AC, 0-17, A-l.
OldKt. if-372-8395 I URNITURL, appliances, 1 room or household, Immediate cash. 890-9O04. GLASS CUTUR WANTED. VMV.
TYPE. 261-8800 ODD pieces of Haviland, Pink Aster ond Damask Rose, 23 6413. WANTED, Used furniture, appliances, antiques, misc. 233-3798. Reglna or any disc music box, Duo Art and Amplco elec.
piano roUsCrmun.uqers, 299-2842; ill pay cash lor odd dishes and glassware. 878-0325. RANGES, refrigerators, marked down PUBLIC 514 XENIA Av. "RANGE; 30 Ini Pink. Matching refrlgcrotor-freerer.
Excellent. Dinette set; chrome, 275-5493. REFRIGERATOR, Admiral Dual-temperature, White, double door, 1 yr. old, $150; K4-1185 after 6p.m. RANGES, your choice 30" or 36" Deluxe 1969 models new.
SALE, $61 Bonus, 7-pc. set Teflon cookwore. JR.L. Lackey, 3716 N. Main, 278-8282 REFRIGERATOR, Frlgldolre dx.
14 cu. 2-dr $140; Norqe stove, 5J0; mini washer, $15, 299-2905! Our piano and organ prices are so low CHAIRS Your Choice of Colors that B-H-A guarantees you the lowest M4.95 Each. Buy at the factory, prices possible In Daylon or your 222 4631 Master Coll Mfg. money back. See over 200 pianos and CARPET; all kinds and Colors, $1.95 American walnut 10.95 Indian Rosewood 13.95 Matchlnq moldings from 7c (I.
Power Saw A $24.95 value will be qiven, no extra charge with the purchase ot $150 worth ol preflnlshed panels. During the months of November, De cemoer and January we will deliver all orders of $50 or more within 10 miles at no additional charqe. rhe above prices arc not specials. They ore our every day low prices. SHOP AND COMPARE THE LUMBER MART 1970 E.
Dorothy Lane 298-7561 4301 Western Ave 268-6731 Union St. Troy, Ohio 335-8301 Cash 'N Carry Delivery Available i near or oruriui. organs an on one iioor. r-ree lessons sq. up.
Call B. P. Camin, 836- JOHN DEERE cultivators and mower. 1-548-7544, Greenville. ANY number nood dnd choice, slockeir and feeder cattle top quality 4H calves.
Burrowes Son Livestock, 10 ml. N. of Dayton on Rt. 69. 878-8051.
every week for as long as you like. 3031 for appt. Established 1949. Spiciai notices CHEST, 4-drawer, finished, new $15. R.L.
Lackey, 3716 N. Main, 278-8282 carpet Gold shag with pod 14x14, $100. Call 885-515VV a 1 28 Antiques B-H-A House of 200 Pianos and Organ! 868 S. PATTERSON BLVD. Open 9-9 Sot.
9-6, Sun. 1-6 461-5520 BALDWIN Acresonlc piano, $275 434-2886 Siberian Huskies AKC Stud Service. 2 Blue Eyed Males Sovachncek Kennels 885 2666 Siberian Huskies AKC GET Top Value Stamps Credit Terms Can Be Arrongod Jovachneek Kennels 865 2666 POLE bldg. Penta treated poles. Lumber, low prices, delivery.
Mote Lbr. 997-2111, Hollonsburg, Ohio. Trrt MARKET Basket POLE BARN builder, fast service Richards Construction 1-997-2961 REFRIGERATORS, NEW USED WESTERN FURNITURE, 223-3291 RANGES, ELEC. GAS, NEW-USED WESTERN FURNITURE, 223-3291 RANGES, new In factory cartons, Big savings. Warren Moving Storage.
215 Klser 222-9027. AND UNIQUES LUTHERAN 132 N. Pctlerson Blvd. AN riQUL Cotfleld washer-copper roll top desk, best offer. 252-1343.
ANIiQiJbS FESTIVAL AND SALE Frl. ond Nov. 20,21,1970 Plumbing, Heating 34 CLARINET Bundy, seldom used, like new, make offer. 898-1259 GIBSON nultar, 2 pick up, 2 sTlversone amps. LB and Jenntson speakers, two 2's, two 15s.
253-2908. ADDITIONAL FARMS FOR SALE SEE Classification Tropical Fish Suopilei 22 A STOVE, Admlrol 30 In. elec. and AMC refrigerator. $125 both.
426-2477. GIBSON Bass Amp ond Hoftner Bass CARPET CLEARANCE Carpet roll balances, 60 or per roll, 60 pet. off, bath Included with each purchase of 40 yds ar mare. Also Indoor-Outdoor carpeting $1.95 sq. yd.
Terms, call 252-9966. TRI STATE CARPET DININ ROOM 5-PC NEW HARDROCK MAPLE SALE $98 AMILY VURNITURE, 278-9697 DINETTES, 7 PC. NEW R.L. Lackey, 3716 tJ Main, 278-8282. DINETTES, NEW 5-PC tM R.L, Lackey, 3716 N.
Main, 278-8282 DINETTES, "giant pc. sett, laml-naled plastic tops, new SALE $58. HEAVY duly let well pump, 1 year old. Must sell. 859-6471.
USED A waterheatera, sinks, etc. 293-1142 MURPHY'S. 3 GAS FURNACES, 1 oil furnace, all new, slightly damaged. Alrtron Corp. 254-3501 FRESH DRESSED STEWS $1.00 FRESH COUNTRY EGGS Jumbo, large, medium, unclassified eggs, 3 $1.25.
Fresh dressed Horses, Poitut. Supplies GUItar. J250. call 836 7291, LOWRFY ORG AN -BLONDE GOOD CONDITION. 837-7103 "PORTABLE rock organ, like new $375.
492 5501 Sidney, O. SINGER TOUCH AND SEW Runt like new, desk model cabinet slightly damaged. Only $62.50 cash or terms available. Machine Is equipped to Zlg Zog, make button holes and designs by lust by channlnq cams. Call 252 5618 or eves.
298-2411 for REG. quarter horse gelding, 4 yrs '11 and chickens. Homo, old; and dx. 2-horse trailer, "kes $1.50. Sea frylni and roasting chickens.
Home AQUARIUMS, FULLY EQUIPPED Nov! HMiMpm.eiOO p.m. vonous Sizes. 433 2884. CARROUSEL INN AQUARIUMS 10 a 10 oollons. Roadlng Road.
Cincinnati, Ohio rompiete occessories, 252 O024. 1 1 Antiques ond Ait Dealers with 18th LAY AWAY-A Git. Now M'VeW'il Brenner Aquarium, 2112 LHcfme Cu, G)a, 5 SMvcrj 0rmw Garden-lawn Supplies 23 Wi 1 07, a I oVi 's? 00 ocr CHAIN SAWS' REttT SELL lANTIQUt Show and sale, MorionTb. Bob's Rental, tii Brown. 0 1 1 m- Mtir.lon County Fair.
Nov. 21-22. Sot. 11-10, sun. 1-862-5271 of, or 4:30.
RODGFRS drum set, 5 torn torn set. $325. 836-2520. SLINGERLAND 4-dru'm set with 'cymbals. $400.
866-1494 alter Open 12 noon to 8 p.m. All day Sal! and Sun. Closed Monday MOHR POULTRY FARM 1 mi. West of 1-75 State Rt. 51 TIPP CITY, OHIO ENGLISH Saddle; never uicd $85 CALL 236-2666 HORSES Boarded near Suriarcreek Reserve.
$25 mo. 848-2197. Hems Sold Separately Other 4-Room Groups As Low as $138 40 Years Serving Dayton Thurs. 9:309:00 Sat, FREE PARKING IN ANY DOWNTOWN LOT PHONE 228-238 WEISS FURNITURE Our New Location 135 S. MAIN Net to Kresqe't "TODAY'S BARGAINS IN ROARK'S Pre-Ownid Odds 'n Ends WAREHOUSE SALE Bedroom suite, walnut bookcase bed, chest, dresser nnd mirror.
Nearly new. Wos $329.95, now Maple dining room suite, like now, buffett, hutch, table, 4 chain $219,95. 2 maple loose cushion sofa and chair family room sets. Excellent condition $129.95 each. 6 leather top mahoaany tobies.
Excellent. Start at $19.95 each. Ask tor Mr. Freeman or Mr. Hlttlt ROARK FURNITURE IN LAURA.
OHIO DIAL DIRECT "Out our way we deal your way" I R.L, Lackey, 3716 N. Main, 278-8212 home trial. Electro Hyqlene. SOFA bed lounge" chair, slipcovers, very clean, tioo. 291-3546.
I SOFA, $100; chair, $25; upright planon SLINGERLAND Drums DINE ri ES, Dining suites, new, used. WfcSlfcNIN l-UKNI I UKfc IIS extras, custom covered $160, Micro All Klnr! Unnnv TIHAr REG. quarter filly, 2 yr. old, cheap. APPLES c.
Air Conditioning 34A AIR CONDITIONER; Ftdderi months old, 12,000 blu. $150. 253-4394. Office Equipment 35 ACCOUNTING Machine, NCR, rent or buy. B.M.D., Inc.
299-9943. ADDERS, typewriters, calculators, check writers, comptometers. Lew prices. Compare. Bill's, 866-7971, AUTOMATIC Icod shopcr; slow cut Miscellaneous For Sale 24 U-.
4il Deairrs. Hrlbcrl Straws Ronold Hllbert, mgr. A QUE DINING ROOMS, nASSETT DRASTICALLY REDUCED PUBLIC 514 XENIA AV. "DINETTE SETS, Savings Galoref so; cniid i rocker, $, 136-6716. SOFA, 2 chairs, end tables, lamps, draperies, single bed complete with matching dresser, desk and chair, roll away bed, 5 pc.
dinette, stereo TV -IUI 3BII. REG. Quarter horses, 3 yr. old more, gentle, $375; 5 yr. old Gelding, splr- iTed, $500.
254-5131. 4 PONIES; SORREL GELDING, 2 30 I) Hiuss aoor cupooara5. china closi-l, PUBLIC 514 XENIA AV, aurunum, cone lyrun. Water Ground Meal. FRESH EGG5.
OPEN 9 9. 7 DAYS WEILER FRUIT FARMS Bartlcy Branttord Rd. 890-2451 APPLES AND CIDER MM FRUIT FARM 1201 FREDl RICK RD. 890-453 WE APPRECIATE IT tobies; organ stool. 859-7960 phone excellent, S30, 890 4153, SPINET Poino; Lowrey Organ and Leslie speaker, 222 6561; 775-9702.
ST IN WAY Ebony upright, rebuilt by piano technician. $475 276-2204. UNIVOX with Ilk" new, must see 222 137 eves. WURLITZE condition, $850 or best offer 233-9101. Horn, Fu-' 2579474.
v500. BTU, 898 4348. orecnorone; -i liemio Horses. comoinaiion, univox ona Harmony DRYERS, washers, rnnges, i efrlgera- eiec. guitars, all In good condition tor, freciers, rcondltloned, $29,95 bargain priced, lovely 5-bedroom opt.
Saddles. 263-9753. BIAN Pot, milk can, coal bucket depression glass, ltorling tray etc. 1345 Ironwood Dr. Fairborn.
AISO i tio volt. tMcMent. SI20. uriu uuuiuilivvu. HDium uvull.
available. 28-3)53 ter; Toledo scales; heat sealer, poly PINTO horse, 5 yr. old gelding! Coil 252-6073 after nonor ALU- ja.ii Appi. eve-jju ANTIQUE wardrobe, excellent condi SWEEPER new GE In orlulnnl lac CvlKVLU glass china closet, wash boa: addlna machine. 373 mi CDER SHOUP MKT carton.
Attachments Included. tory stands, din.nr) table, choir sets, rock LASH' REGISTERS. A HI NO MA- 4330 Bollbrook-Folrlleld Rd. Rd QUARTER horse, Reg. buckskin mare 7 yrs.
old. 090-4412 DAY-NIGHTERS, $39 new. Buy at the lactory. 222-4631. MASTER COIL MFG.
will sell for $18.88 cash. 278-8205, or i rs, llD'nrv louies, misc. 256-8677. emori't nectne qultor.t Television, Radio 39 YOU PICK" HI 7 yr. Arab stallion dark arav, 4 white fee et, must sell.
1-473-2432. $1 Bu. APPLES $1 Bu. Varieties. Orchard Sell-out in eves, tiecrro Grand.
SOFA BED Naugohyde, floor" sample" small mar. Sale $41. Hours 9-9. R.L. Lackey, 3716 N.
Main 278 B382 DENNY FLEA MARKET 6150 W. THIRD ANTIQUES VERY SA1URDAY 106 and nit rsmp jren or outside oather-jlemon fuel oil stove, loppy Comer Church, lem Fri Nov. 20, REG. quarter horses, Vj sister and ELECTROLUX or HOOVER cleaners, good. $10.
Mobile. 159-4255. FRiGlDAIHE automatic washer $30, 40" electric range $20, both works, 426 7200 or 254-6702, 17 cu. exceiientTon'-dltlon. $79.
DEFCO. 815 655. brothers of outstanding show colts In mSxSt 1 wimPler Farm, 3 ml, the state. SIRE DOUBLE FLOW. 22 PimanS Mlli I fc CALCULATORS, TYPEWRITERS.
New and Used. 254-1521. DAYTON CASH REGISTER CO. COAT RACKS, used ahd factory large quantity of dead storage files, si per drawer, small safe for home ond office Salem, 277 939. DAVIDSON offset printing 10xt5, and I0il5 letter press.
Misc. supplies. 254 2297. ADMIRAL 23" console color TV, pecan. Will sacrifice.
253-3229. CB Radio. Johnson Messenger 123, 23 channel with 2 plus 2 power mike, also (omblnallon AM and CB radio antenna, like new. 228-5171. TABLES AVAILABLE 268-5051 nncmeat, cppl But.
HBj I trrs ENGUSFTaddTeTTSloT-AirH-oTsi I ApPLE ml. SINGER Built-in tig tag, serviced recently, good condition. WIII sell for $33.10 cash or terms available 278H205, or 274-208S eves. Electro Grand. Fqulpment.
ml. E. of Vandalla. on 1 ao r.rZl'b'V "wm. raer.
AND' LIONS iwjw. snorior an ANTIQUE SHOW AND 'll the Lions Den In Rona Hills, iJl, t7.r "t'rlr'rr- No. 21 ond 22 Sat. II GOrS--SAF OCt. ff 'i r.
t.m U.n A. MOWS 1 to 6 n.m. DRAKE Tr-3 transceiver, complete FRIGIDAIRE, elec. drop-In stove, 30" old St. Rt.
40. L. A. Walrisrnlth weekdays, 1 to 6 p.m. Sundoy.
wnn power supply e-rta speaxer, turquoise V5. J.u-iuev FICO 71 Kevcr with autronlc kev. all criblnets. Addln-j machines. 7EPYTHII en, 1) kit 1 baiiM 1J4'(5 i 14 Admission tentl Children 6 In fl Ef.M WELL Trained school horse, geldlm nraot for Hrtj, English Tack, $25.
Phone 848-4997. SI BU. APPLES SI BU. Desks. Chairs, flew.
Used, factory SEWING MACHINE SALE '61 SINGER desk model, tig lag, mafcei buttonholes, blind hems, etc. automatically, good, $51 cash or terms. 'M SINGER tig lag, automa RNIGIDAIRE stove and refrigerator, vocado, 2 yrs. old. 775-0559.
Freciers, Reirlgerntors. New Warehouse Liquidation Sale NDJ-419 TROY ST. 224-9681 '-RIGID, I'nitci ral fn i Id WAMPLHR FARMS Cor. Shlloh ,11 Wolf Rds. mint condlllon.
513 295-3863 a.m. MOTOROLA TV, 21 In. blncx-Miit, UHF, A-l, condition, $80 299-0274. MAGNAVOX TV 5tereo Sale Previous new models. Saving up lo $300.
Supply limited. Mobil Hornet 41 lie with tabic, aood, $38 cash or terms, '61 SINGER portable Ha tag ivenf dryer, jtrt nood $75. 299 cosh or terms. T-RIGIDAIRF automatic washer. A-l ojtomallc, aod ic, aod, ROAN walkli mare and saddle, $200.
25 ponies, welsh, a.vJ land. rnrf nnd harness. Hold nil Christmas. 845 E434. $150.
BUYS ALL tHREBf enorotely, 5 yr. old Reg. Appoioosa mare, blue roan $300, Yearling Loud Rcg. Appa-loosa gelding $200, weanling colt. $150.
137J043. QUARTER Morses, 'l gelding. 7' vis" S150, 1 mare, 8 yrs. $125 837-3 7. All Brand.
1450 Volley St. 223 8602. FLEETWOOD mobile homes, large seleMon, 2 di oo wv pletely furnished, gas heat, beautiful ihnritri InK nunllnhe Cnia A1K unnr i ver greens ccti.s. Children under 6 odmittcd 1 r' Pork.ng-Snoc Bar i uk iit Private collection ot an- iu in, "i'na' rjiassware and furniture, N'jv. uth thru 2lst tOo.m.
to6p.m, oid frt. pt 906 yy, MlllcreM Dayion, 1st. rm; i t.me Virj.i in this area, eve. and etr, Suff, oy appointment. 273-9610 INDOOR FLEA MARKET 1357 Crrioh- i for 200 "Dealer!" VERY SAT.
SUN. 1 7o'1" "Lock-up" Spaces I COMING SOON AT. in p.m. Linden Av. Dayton, O.
Coil 513 27 2046 FASTOWN SHOPPING Stroop li Marshal I 253 6131 condlllon $59.95. Late Model I yea-294 1462 guarantee. $1.50 wk. Credit all. STFREO; color TV, Spanish sofa 2nds.
LINES, INC, 221-7471 I A Office; desks, typewriter, tables, choirs, files ond supplies, reasonable. 866-9701, MEAT EQUIPMENT (USED) SAWS, SLICIRS, GRINDERS CUITINO TABLES, TtNDCRIZERS ETC. Call Richard Flicher LI3ERAL MARKETS, INC. 224-1271 cnoir, tome 'm i choice. Hlde-A-Way Mobile Court, 449 washer, dryer, stove.
278 0356 La. itme Hd, Factory 400 E. 5tn FRELtL HS, $168 Brand flew Nome Brand, 6E, 40" RANOf "'66, seif cleaning oven, must sell, moving. 27-7648. SINGLR sewlna machines, $10 ua ml CA1 IFORNIA Marker CORN.R l-OWEE AN0 STANLEY 7 DAYS 8:30 TO 8:30 Thurs.
Frl. Sat. Only 0 COUNiRY HAMS lb, 59c PORK CHOPS 59r NFCK liONES 5 lb, $1 0 PUPO SAUSAGE 2 lb, 89c Cnns small A floi 51 29 Sw Polaloes 4 cons $1 Chestnuts ih 59C Boon or Tomato Soup I lor $1 Potatoes Ige 20 lbs -89c 1 angelos Ige dot J9c Master Chorge Welcome HOLLY PARK, 12x60, 2 0 0 furnished, good condition. 426 0751. HORUON; 12x60' with 1x22' expando, and training ring, S.
Diamond Mill PHILCO TV, II INCH. NEEDS A LITTLE WORK $20. 728 1363 PANASONIC Slereotape recorder Model RS 7905. aula reverse, mikes, cords, $195. 294-1309, 871-7117 eves.
RCA Color TV 21" $18, $1 dn $1 wk. 1 yr. guarantee, used. FACTORY 400 E. 5lh, 224 4141 PCA Portable and Console rnlnr TS't Ka New Leoanon pn, 835 546.
Reconditioned. Store. 159-4255. tOFA BEDS, new $41, Buy ot the factory. 22 2 4631.
Master Coll Mfn. TAPPAN aas range, like new, $49 One year guarantee. FACTORY FURN. 400 5th 224-434 TABLE large selection, heavy, $tu nuke iui uv GAS Stove, 1970 Sunray, 2 aven, avocado, I mos. old, $200.
224-4191. HlOE-A'REDS, new and used WFSTFRN FURNITURE, 223 3291 STOCK! 10 pet. discount I during Nov Antique Furniture, Wol- nil. Lherrv and Onk. nlnu nnri cer.
Mite thru. Sot. awnings, excellent condition. May re MODEL 440 todenl'hone ond Got d-shM, m.r items, etc. La oway For Christmas, 1MI I lilnVnt, IJ I fl Inr nnl I hedl hn tnrnn mnl New AT -r- WESTERN STORE Cri.i Riding Apparel and Tack 1 21 E.
SECOND ST. 222-4764 mam in Fairway Terrace. 233-6184. HILLCRESl: Cutlass Impenal, 12x60 2 bedroom, excellent condition, $4150 or good offer. 179-1141.
les-i, run, ei hen. hoard, new, sole $38 ni the Mr Mrw vn jaii lettering. Pols dictation equipment with transcriber. 171 1544 atler 5 p.m. 100 MAIN, TROTWOOD KPC 2831 Salem, 274 2791 R.L.
Lackey, 3714 N. Main, 27W2I4 MASTER COIL Ml.