The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30 1912 12 WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS CHICOPEE WESTIELD HOLYOKE WRIT MANDAMUS TO ISSUE I LONGMEADOW GATHERING OX HUNTERS CIVIL SERVICE INVESTIGATION HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING OBITUARY COMMITTEE TALKS WITH MAYOR WHAT LIKE TO BE RICH Hampden News Continued on Page lij SPECIAL NOTICES PALMER DALEY McNALLY WEDDING in AGAWAM CONGREGATIONAL CLERGY MEET is sudden death of LEAGUE HOLDS RALLY EXTINGUISHES EEDING HILLS SPECIAL NOTICES WILL INVESTIGATE MARRIAGE Younjr Wife of Mike Snntinolo States HAMPDEN LUDLOW JO? that he ap at this time of the would admit that open to anyone to that is desired and the Holy Name a presentation of Isdvdad In tie Utts ef ap resei ire Appliances leaned by tbe National Beard ef ire Underwriters incipient separatee annual meeting yesterday with moderator being Chicopee alls extended to women os' well as men to ba present Youny People of Agra of Mittf neagne Married Morning ra ef Rev mon pars tieieney Henry Bqdurtha recently appointed tax collector in place of Dr Hast ings resigned will be at his horns' on Elm street mornings and evenings and all day riday this week and at the library build ing in eeding Hills this and to morrow afternoons from 1 to 4 Announcements have been received of the marriage of Miss Maud Miller for merly of Agawam and Tohw Sborev at Agawam on Monday by' Rev Walter Rice They will be at home at 891 Hampshire street Holyoke HAMPDEN COUNTY Sc At All Grocers ITHENE Instantly extinguishes fires of nil kinds YRENE is heavy gas which the flame rom the material is simplicity itself to merely turn the handle and pump PYRENE does not stain woodwork fur niture carpets rugs books curtains clothing PYRENE Is harmless to the Operator PYRENE does not deteriorate with age PYRENE does not freeze Pretty Ceremony at St Church Yesterday Morning 'A very pretty church wedding took place at St Thomas church at 9 yester day morning when Miss Julia Daley daughter of Mr and Mrs John Daley was united in marriage to Dr Edmund McNally of Springfield the ceremony be ing performed by Rev AL' The wedding party entered the church to the strains of the wedding march from played by Mrs The' bride was becomingly dressed in a gown of white duch*ess satin trimmed with pearl trimming over messaline with train She wore a bridal veil caught up with orange blossoms and lilies of the valley and carried shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies of tie valley She was attended by her sister Miss Nellie Daley who wore a of pink satin channeuse trimmed with real lace and cut in side train She carried a bouquet of pink chrysanthemums The best man was Dr Staples of Pittsfield graduate of Tufts college and class mate of the groom The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl sunburst and to the bridemaid a pearl pend ant and chain The bride is a graduate of the Palmer high school and has been for several years a successful teacher in lhe public schools The groom is a practicing dentist of Springfield and a graduate of Tufts dental school Dr and Mrs McNally were the recipients of many beautiful gifts including silver cut glasslinen furniture and several checks for substantial sums' Guests were present from Bangor and Bid deford Me Patterson Boston Pitts field Leo Worcester and Springfield After a wedding trip to New York Dr and Mrs McNally will be at home to their friends at 44 Hollywood street Springfield for Homeires Protection with of Damage uarv 2 a minister was io rears ana eight months old ana now she is 15 years old Her husband has a court record in Springfield and in Newark and she says he has treat ed her badlv on a number of occasions The husband is 25 years old A man with a long record for drunken ness who appeared in district court yes terday was sent to the state farm at Bridgewater i Afreet Improvement Progressing The work on the North Elm street pave ment has been finished and is greatly ap preciated by the traveling public and by those who live in that part of the town sidewalks have also been built and electric light wires placed underground The new electric lamps of the flaring arc type 12 in all will illuminate Depot square and also a portion of North Elm street The work on Main street is progressing favorably and the new arc lamps on that street were lighted for the first time last night ice commission were exoneration enough ollowing the close of the conference there was an informal talk on the value uf civil service examinations and on some phases of eivi service as applied to Hol yoke in past years which was not wholly to the credit of the commission It was also stated that the matter of appointing local examiner would be taken up and an effort made to have one appointed and to have examinations for the service given in Holyoke as formerly There has been no local examiner since the resignation of A Hemphill about five years ago and no examinations for stenographers have been held since that time An effort was made it was understood some time ago to have an examiner appointed and the local senator was asked to help it along but for some reason it was not pushed effectually and has not amounted to anything up to the present time It is understood that there is quite a large number of young women who wish to take the examinations for stenography and typewriting but who did not understand the procedure and so have not been able to take the examinations OR SALE BY PYRENE COMPANY NEW ENGLAND 176 ederal Street BOSTON And by all leading hardware motor boat and automobile supply stores and ADAMS 514 Belmont Avenue Springfield Mass representative for Western Massachusetts association of Congrega held its church 26 The Weight 5 lb filled size 3 in In diame ter 14 inches long: price $3 in enamels 87 In brass highly finished $8 full nickel plated No Home Should Be Without the rnecjalled In place of hard work and strong soap for washing clothes use breakfast was served' at 10 Girl friends of the bride gave selections and served at table decorated with and the Real Estate CL Loans A We offer to conservative investors first mortgage real estate loans hearing six per cent interest secured by improved farm lands In Washington Idaho and Oregon Every Ioan oiiered is owned by us having been bought with our own monej' alter a personal examination We look after taxes mid insurance and make ail payments from this office without charge ull iuformalloa sent mi request Vermont Loan Trust Co PUTNAM Gen Agt BKATILEBOBO VERMONS Problems involved in newer non Protestant devotional service was conducted by Henry Burden followed by a' ser by Rev Bruce Crownmiller were presented by Nev Well Known wam Side Yesterday Miss rances Ursulan Crowley of 68 Maple street Agawam side of Alittineague and Edward Lawrence Connors of 40 Bridge street of the'same place were mar ried yesterday morning at 8 in St Thomas Mittineague Rev James Tyrrell officiating The groom is the chief of police of Agawam and is the son of Mrs Mary Connors Miss Mary Connors sister of the groom played the wedding marches and gave selections from Promise Me during the ceremony Miss Mary Crowley sister of the bride was maid of honor and rank Connors brother of the groom was best man The bride was dressdd in' a gown of white messaline trimmed with chauncey lace and pearls with a hat to match and a long bridal veil She also carried a large bou quet of white bride roses The maid of honor wore a gown of burnt onion crepe de chine heavily embroidered and car ried a shower of lilies of the valley The bride gave her maid of honor a set of white silver fox furs and the groom gave his best man a stickpin 'rhc ushers were Dennis and Joseph Crowley brothers of the bride and rank and Roger Connors irpAAm ooai i a set of gold cuff links by the Gov Eugene oss and his flying squad ron will give a demonstration at the' town hall this afternoon and is sched uled to arrive at 515 It is expected that politicians will be "tired and hungry after their attentions day and will partake of the chicken pie supper at the Congregational chapel which begins operations at 530 Mrs Gilchrist of Lunenburg is visiting her aunt and uncle Mrs Corwin Col Smith Mrs Gilchrist was formerly Miss Moreland daughter of Mr ail'd Mrs James Aluietand'and'griiuddaugh ter of the late Dea Philip Smith Mr and MrsiNclsoil cele brate the 10th anniversary of their mar riage this evening at their home on West street Seyeralcarloads of water pipe arrived yesterday for the eeding Hills water sup ply from the Little river system The Death of Harry Bishop Harry Bishop 61 who died at his home in Thorndike at an early hour yes terday morning was the son of Davis and Augusta Bowen Bishop and was born in Thorndike September 22 IS TL He at tended the public schools of Palmer and later Monson academy His father was the proprietor of a general store also conduct ing a wood and coal business at Thorn dike and the son served a business ap prenticeship in his store and at bis death succeeded him in business His genial kindly nature gained for him manv warm friends whose good will continued throughout his life Mr Bishop was elected one of the assessors of Palmer 22 years ago and has since held that office by continu ous re elections He has also served as overseer of the poor for 20 years Mr Bishop was married December 0 1871 to Miss Lucy Putnam of Ludlow who survives him Rive children were born of this marriage of whom two Mrs John Murphy of Hartford Ct and Miss Ruth Bishop nt home are now uneral services will be held at the home 'to morrow afternoon at 3 clock Rev Otto Raspe officiating Burial will be in the family lot at our Corners cemetery inns for ve Rally There will be a progressive rally in the opera house riday evening at Music will be fiynished by the Hampdenunty progressive glee club of Springfield he speakers will be Rev Mark A Denman of Springfield A Stewart Anderson of Springfield candidate for the governor's council Heustis Newton a former may or of Evergtt candidate for attorney gen eral and others A cordial invitation is Tiie funeral of Hugh McKay was' held yesterday afternoon at the John JB Shea undertaking rooms Rev Dr A Reed conducting the service The bearers were Patrick Murphy Garret Walsh Patrick Whiston Thomas Carey Patrick nor and Michael Curran and the burial was in orestdale cemetery The funeral of James Sullivan was i held at the Ilobert undertaking rooms day afternoon with burial in St cemetery 1 The funeral of Mrs Annie be held at Dillon's undertaking rooms this morning at 10 with requiem mass St chapel at 1030 and the burial will be in St cemetery High School Notes The next lecture of the high school lec ture course will be given in the high school hall riday evening There have been S50 course tickets sold and single tickets will be sold at the door The lec ture is a continuation of the lecture by John Kendrick Bangs two years ago on lie proved the most popular lecturer of the year and will draw a large audience with his new The club elected the following Monday afternoon: President Margaret Lyons vice president Helen Allyn sec retary Gertrude ranz treasurer Anna Vaughn Ward 1 Tenants' Association Meets The ward 1 association held a meeting last evening and elected as vice president George ife and as publicity committee Graniield John Leary and Martin Lavelle The association now has a membership of 576 and its object is to improve conditions for the tenants The meetings are well attended and there is a great deal of interest in the situation The next meeting will be held on Novem ber 12 Police Conrt Affairs 1 John Berdichowski was arraigned in the police court yesterday morning for leaving the isolation hospital without a permit and was probated Arthur Barre was fined 815 for an assault and Stephen Jakus was fined $5 on an assault charge Ida Willette was fined $10 for larceny and several were fined The Tuesday Afternoon domestic club met with Mrs Arthur LNLa nekton at In dian Orchard yesterday afternoon I The next meeting will be' held 'With Mrs Paul Weidner at lief home on North street No vember 12 i The will visit Ludlow to day at 1230 near the post office Speeches will be tri ven by Gov oss David I Walsh candidate for lieutenant gov ernor Miss Clementine Johnson of Springfield has accepted the position of surgical nurse at the Ludlow hospital Aliss Mary Scotliss left yesterday to visit with friends at New Britain Ct A democratic rally will be this" afternoon at 3 If the weather'd pleasant the rally will be on the cotninon if rainy in the town hall The speakers will Congressman Oscar Under wood of Alabama Gov Eugene oss' AV McKechnie candidate for Con gress John Clark candidate' for councilor Charles Spellman candidate for county commissioner red A Bearse candidate for county treasurerj and local candidates William Sessions republican candi date for representative spoke last night at ff rally in West Springfield The school children from the schools of District will hold a Halloween cele bration to morrow afternoon The Hampden grange will hold a regu lar meeting riday night' in the town hall Claims for Damages Made our notices of claims 'against the city for damages for injuries alleged to have been received due to defective streets have been' filed with Mayor Riv ers William Mills filed a claim through ou account of in juries received in a fall on Market street on the evening of the 23d Mrs Diana Du prat of Pendleton a venue Willimansett claims damages through her attorneys Brooks Hamilton of Springfield for in juries received through a defective pave ment on that street on the evening of August 16 John and Mary Lineban of Springfield have filed notice of claims through Attorney Sylvester P' Callanan because of injuries received hr Mrs Line ban while walking on the ront street side walk on September 22 Mrs Bridget Walsh of Roosevelt avenue has filed a claim for $500 for damages inflicted on her property through the placing of electric light and telephone poles sewer and water pipes on that street without her permission She is represented by At torney Josiah Dearborn of Springfield Democratic Rally This Evening The final big democratic rally of the season will be held in the city hall at 8 this evening with Congressman Osear Underwood of Alabama candi date for presidential nomination before the last democratic national convention and Gox Eugene oss as the principalspeakers Other speakers will be William McKechnie candidate for Congress for the local district Charles Spellman candidate for county commissioner and Representative Buckley candidate or re election This is the most notable demo cratic gathering held in Chicojiee during the present campaign and Chairman Ed ward itzgerald of the democratic city committee expects that the rally will be one of the' most successful ever conducted in Chicopee Local democratic leaders are much pleased over having secured Con gressman Underwood for the rally as his coming was for some time in doubt and was only finally settled upon late Tuesday evening iremen Save Anio rom Burning Quick work on the part of the firemen in the Cabot street engine house saved from destruction a $1500 automobile be longing to Max Kittredge the Exchange street shoe dealer which took fire yester day morning from faulty action in the gasoline tanks When Mr Kittredge was repairing it in a shed belonging to Max Cohen at 98 Dwight street The flames 'which started" from the spread rapidly and Mr Kittredge having no water at hand to throw on the fire and being afraid to approach the burning ve hicle for fear of a gasoline explosion called across the street for help to the Cabot street station Two firemen were dispatched in haste with a chemical ex tinguisher which made short work of the promising blaze The automobile was only slightly damaged in the xvoodwork and Mr Kittredge was able to run it about the streets later in the day The funeral of Mrs Ellen oley widow of Patrick oley was held yesterday morn ing at83L o'clock from the late home 132 Hampden street followed by solemn high mass of requiem at the church of the Holy Name at 9 o'clock Rev John Coulin was celebrant Rex Mr Maxwell deacon and Rev James Noonan subdeacon Dur ing the mass Daniel Dineen sang beautiful land on Burial was in Calvary cemetery The bearers were Canty AV Canty William Linehau John Curley Stephen A Hall and John The funeral of Alexander Czapran a prominent Polish resident who died nt liis home last Saturday morning was held at his late home 67 Chestnut street yes terday morning at 10 followed bv high requiem mass at St Stanislaus church at 1030 Burial was in Calvary cemetery The funeral was one of the largest ever seen in Chicopee two carriages being needed to carry the numerous hand some flora tributes and over 25 carriages following with the relatives and friends of Mr Czapran Albert Laroche who has been the guest of Police Sergeant Joseph II Lamoureux for the past few days was called to his home in Canada yesterday morning by a telegram announcing too his father The dramatic club' of parish are rehearsine for the comedy Rube" on the evenings of November 26 nnd 27 The place of the entertainment has not yet been announced Mr and Mrs Richard McCarthy of Bos ton are the guests of Air McCarthy's par ents Mr and Mrs James McCarthy of Park street The auxiliary of division 3 of Hibernians will hold a Halloween party this evening in Hibernian hall at the alls 'I 4 A small fire in the Willimansett railroad bridge was extinguished by the Williman sett firp denartment yesterday afternoon John Linehan of Emerald street has taken a position with the Charles A Lud den plumbing company of the Center i for Infants and Invalids Got HORLICK'S means the Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The ood Drink for all Ages Rich milk malted grain in powder form or infants invalids and growing children Purenutrition upbuilding the whole body Invigorates nursing mothers and'the aged More healthful than tea or coffee Take no substitute Ask for HORLICK'S Contains Pure Milk record of Col Roosevelt naming him as the ffrPHTAsr Ainormnn ddci tnn crpnrnr mon living in the world to day The last speaker of the afternoon was Mrs Towne who gave an' interest ing address on progressiveness brothers of the given groom Directly after the ceremony the bridal couple and their friends went to the home of the bride on Maple street where a wedding o'clock musical The house was nrettilv i i i i i i a i rin vx i xi ixz couple received under an arch of boughs In addition to the many individual presents which the couple received the young men of their acquaintance presented them with a handsome dining room set Mr and Mrs Connors left in the after noon for a trip to Washington and will not be at home till December 1 when they will live at GS Maple street Chief Con nors has been in active service for many years while his wife was employed as a clerk in the suit department at dry goods store Both are members of St Thomas church Relatives from out of town present at the wedding breakfast were: Mrs Crowley of Maine Mrs Anna Crowley of New Haven and Airs Al Sculley of Boston together with many friends from Springfield Northampton Chicopee Greenfield and Holyoke Congressman' rederick Gillett ad dressed the members of the Ccrcle La fayette last evening at their rooms on Old Bridge street tand a good attendance turned out to greet him Emil and Philip Erard of Springfield also spoke This is the third meeting which the club has held for the instruction of its members in the uresenf day political questions Thomas Hisgen having give'n t'hcm the progressive side nnd AVilliam Alr Keehnio Um ffomr Cratic side riday a piembcr of the so cialist nartv will Snenk tlier niirl Mftnrluw Air Pelletier is expected to be present The members take no political action as a club though their meetings are often re solvefl into open and informal discussions on the questions before the country The women of St Louis' church held a very successful bridge party in the church basem*nt Monday evening and there were 31 tables filled The prizes were woti as follows: Special a $250 gold piece Norman Stebbins: for women first Mrs Arthur Lenville second Airs Gobeil third Airs Rousseau fourth Airs Parent: fifth Airs Al Roberts for men first George Butler second Rousseau third Chapdelaine fourth Plourde fifth This evening at 8 there xvill he an illustrated lecture in the church basem*nt on the province of Que bec with especial reference to the environs and the city of Quebec itself The has subsided after the recent rains to within half a font ng They Were Married by Man a JllniBier A rather unusual gt lte ofaffiMrfrom a matrimonial standpoint caniei to 'the at tention of the district conrt officials yes i terday morning nt the preliminary hear I ing of Alike Santisblo of Russell who was before the court for thi'eatening 'tooassault his wife It was deemed best to have the' defendant furpish sureties ftf the peace in case he should be found guilty but the case was continued until to morrow in or der that an investigation of the circutn stances surrounding his marriage might be made His wife is a mere slip of a girl with an attractive face and the large' dark eyes of the Italian Her maiden name was ilice Caracciolo She told the clerk of the court that she was married to Santisolo in Thompsonville Ct Jan Local Many people have talking machines that have been: set aside for a time that Edison has gotten out the New Blue four minute Amberol Record that is inde structible and has the most natural musical tone of any talking machine record people will get out the machines again and nnd them more Interesting than ever George II Sharp Son have the agency Hearn Co will open their mammoth re moval sale this morning at 9 o'clock and are closing out their $35 000 stock of household furnishings at remarkable reductions In all departments Anyone wishing a furnished front room with heat light and use of telephone may telephone to The handsome new residence block of Hearn Co at the corner of Elm and Thomas streets is nearing completion A large part of the building is to be occu pied by the housefurnishing business of the company' In the meantime the $35 OCO stock of the company is to be sold at a reduction to save cartage and the store on School street was closed yester day to get ready for the sale which is to open at 9 this morning Capt Al Sullivan will return to his duties to day after a vacation of about a week Sergeant William Q'Brien will start on his vacation to day and Patrol man Condon will be the night at the nolice station during his absence Chief of Police William A louton who is prominent in the order of Red Alen is to be at the great council meeting in New Bedford to day and to morrow Marriage licenses have been issued toMichael itzgerald of 6 Wigglesworth street Boston police offiecr and Cath erine Al Alanning of 75 Western avenue Westfield: to Wallace A' LaVallv of 10 Taylor avenue a mason and Aliss Mary Rose Craven of 10 Tnylor avenue: and to Edward Durkin of 24 Summer street engineer and Annie Al Taylor of Palmer milliner The matinee racing meet at Woronoco park has been postponed from to day un til to morrow afternoon The men who have entered their horses are working them out every day on the track and some first class racing may be expected The adjourned annual meeting of the parish aid society of the Episcopal church will be held nt 3 to day at the home of Mrs Clark Af Sherman of Jefferson street Reports will be given and officers elected The annual husking party of Westfield grange will be held this evening at the Woronoco park pavilion and the members will go to the park on the 8 Hunt ington car John 'of East Bartlett street is in Mercy hospital in Springfield for treatment He underwent an operation last Saturday Kelly will have a Halloween nartv lor the members fit fiis dancing Columbia hall this evening WEST SPRINGIELD CB0WLI1Y C0NN0RS WEDDING I BEADY OB TO DAY'S HUNT TO DAY AND TO Vaudeville at the Empire theater The Alisses Pelissier of the Rutland entertained a party of girl friends at whist last evening in honor of Aliss Lillian Al Chalmers whose marriage to red Pelissier is soon to take place: The deco rations tally cards and favors were all in keeping xvith the Halloween season and during the evening Aliss Chalmers was pre sented with a monster pumpkin which upon being opened was found to contain a number of useful as well as ornamental gifts for her new home After the shower a buffet luncheon was served and the re mainder of the evening was pleasantly spent in music and Halloween games the party breaking up at a late hour A Halloween party was held at the home of the Alisses Rooney on Beech street last evening the club be ing the guests of honor at which the engagement of Aliss Minnie Beaudro of Elm street to William Dickinson of the street railway was announced Aliss Clara Callahan making the announcement The wedding will take place early in November The democratic city committee met last evening and voted to go on record as op posing a two year term for mavor The arrangements for the big rally this even ing were completed (Additional Holyoke News on ajfe 2) Npniber of Gifts Reported Reports Read and Officers Elected lhe 13th annual meeting of the Long meadow historical society was held in the chapel of the irst church last evening Capt Parker presided AV Sher man read the report and rank Burt the treasurer reported in detail the receipts and expenditures The dis bursem*nts have been $1692 $1100 being paid on the note for the Storrs furniture The treasurer reported that he also held a bill of sale for furniture and the insurance policies cash now on hand $59 lhe society has a debt of $800 Airs Al Burt the historian then read an interesting passing of the Airs Burt said every house in the old times had a barn sometimes being larger and more important than the house The various barns which have recently been removed were commented upon and regret expressed that with the present fashion barns were obliged to take a back seat and we may well have a little senti ment for the passing barn The custodian Leete gave a very complete and valuable report of the property in tha possession of the society A lany of the articles he said were of great value Air Leete also enumerated the articles which he had received during th past year among them being a varuable'eollection of papers from the Ely estate given by Alias Al Newell a $6 scrip of continental money presented by C' Pease and a rare flag given by Mrs Sb Allen It was of the 1st regiment 1st 1787 1796 A paper on the setting Aff of the parish dated 1713 had also been given the society Officers for the year were choseij as fol lows: President Capt Parker vice president John Harding secretary Walter Bliss treasurer rank Burt custodian Leete: historian Airs Burt auditor AJu Willard directors Airs John Harding Mrs Smith Airs AV Medlicott ay A vote of thanks was given WVP Sher man xvho declined re election alter six service as secretary It wijs voted that the officers aud directors' taL such steps as they deemed best toward' Reserv ing the valuable flag and other irticles of historic interest which had beengiven to the society The following newjnem bers were voted in last evening: Jeph Jamieson Airs Joseph Jamison "Who Explains That Appointments in Lighting Department Were in Ac cord With Law The special committee appointed by the of aldermen to investigate condi tions reported by Alderman Archambeault at the 'last meeting to the em ployment in the city departments of as sistants against the rules of the civil serv ice commission held a conference with the nmjor last evening relative to the infor mation flint' txi "assistants had been appointed in the lighting department con trary to the rules ollowing the opening of the conference Alderman Archambeault told of his writing to Secretary Dudley of the commission asking if there was an eligible list for clerks and stenographers and receiving a reply that there was and on the asking the alderman to forward the mimes of any jiersons employed who had not passed examinations he had sent in the names of two girls recently ap pointed Secretary Dudley then responded that the twd names mentioned were author ized for provisional appointment and that the department had made a mistake In sayiug that there was an eligible list for stenographers for'thdre was none He also said that a eommtinica'tion to the city so licitor would bo answered in a few days when the solicitor would give an opinion on the question uf employment of aldermeu in city departments The mayor then said prove of sensationalism year that every one the mayor's office was secure anv information in this case all the information necessary could have been secured to start with at the mayor's office He then read his requisi tion to the civil service commisison for two stenographers the commission's reply au thorizing him to make the appointments provisionally nnd also the letter from the commission notifying the young women oc their appointment These letters would have been shown to any one wishing to see them and showed that the appointments were made according to law and the whole controversy could have been prevented by coming to the office and making inquiries The mayor said that he did not object to the method the alderman took to get his information but lie did object to any alderman's standing up in an open meet ing and accusing him publicly of making illegal appointments lie said further both girls had tiled applications for an ex amination aud would take them when iipportunity came Ho said he endeavored to treat everyone fairly and was willing to grant favors when he could But he thought that before public charges were made that liofh sides of the question should be looked up nnd the person making charges should ascertain whether he had any occasion for them Aiderman Archambeault said that he took up the matter as two young women had come to him and told him that ap pointments had been made illegally On receiving word from the civil service com mission that there was an eligible list of stenographers lie took it for granted that appointments had been made illegally He said he had no apology to offer and that if there was an apology due it was due from the civil service oommission ol bovine what seemed to be a criticism of his action he said that he was not there to be disciplined and that he had a per fect right to the course he took The mayor thought that if he had been honest in his intentions that when ho received won from the civil service commission he would have brought the letter to the attention and asked for an ex planation instead of making public state ments that he could not support later The conference then rather wandered from the question to remarks that the ai derman had made to personal friends showing that his interest in the matter would seem to lie in an effort to get even with another alderman Aiderman Bos worth suggested that as the investigation showed Mint there was absolutely no truth in the statement that the mayor had em Joyed assistants illegally that the com mittee pass a vote exonerating him but tiie mayor said that it was unnecessary Mayor Hirer "Learn Officially What Supreme Coart Saya About Marshalshlp "Prospects for' the settlement of the long drawn oiit marshalship case xvith the re instalatiori' of John Barnes as marshal xif Ghicopce next AVednesday are encourag ing according to johiip7 Kirby attorney for Marshal Barnes in his legal struggles with Mayor Rivers Air Kirby says that the issue of the writ of mandamus pre scribed by 'the supreme court to enforce its decree in fvor of AlriIJarnes: announced some time ago has been delayed for nearlytwe weeks on account of the faet that the is not in session sittings however open Monday and Air Kirby expects that the writ will issue on that date so that Alarshal Barnes can plan to resume office allowing time for the writ to be on Mayor Rivers about next AVednesday Mayor Rivers has'demanded formal announcement from the court of its decision favoring Alarshal Barnes'and asf such announcement can only be made through the writ the mayor refuses to reinstate the old official until it has been served on him Will Go to Wyben Elects Officers The annual hunt of the AVestern Alas sachusetts fox club will open to day hunters will cover: the AVyben and Alont gomery sections and headquarters will be established at the Hayden place iuAVyben and at the Hall place in i Albnt gomery A chicken pie dinner will served the hunters at noon The annual banquet of the club will be held at Hotel Bismarck at 730 this evening and 175 plates xvill be laid The hunt to morrow will be in the Drake mountain section in Alundale and headquarters willbe estab lished at the Chase farm The adjourned annual meeting of the" club was held at last evening and these officers were elected: President Dr Saunders vice presi dents James Noble Jr red clerk Edward Clark treasurer George Robinson executive committee AA'ill iam oote Austin red Shep nrd Bowers reception committee Gr AV Shaw Loomis George Whipple rank Dewey Robert HoHisfer Hall AV Roraback Ball Thomas Cooley Lewis I arker Hazelton George AV Sears Beals Gillett Edgar LGillett Daniel Doherty Lane Aloseley Howard Noble dinner com mittee rank Hudson Coburn MS Snntl: masters of hounds Harry Stiles Leon Bowers Rev Ernuklln Knierht nnd Gab ler Speakers Pwlght inds Roosevelt Greatest Man In World The women's progressive league held its Inst meeting of the campaign in the Roose velt Johnson club rooms yesterday after noon a good attendance being on hand to listen to the speakers There was singing bj' Airs Ralph Knapp and although the two Springfield speakers scheduled failed to materialize yet other good speakers were substituted titid the progressive party doctrines were dwelt' upon The first speaker for the afternoon was Rev rank lin Knight rector at St church who explained the ideas of the democratic party regarding the government one of their plans being to destroy the trusts and do away xvitb largo business This he said was impossible the greattrusts have in hem the logical development of business life and while they should be regulated yet they should not be destroyed lie spoke briefly on 1 he tariff and dwelt on the platform of the progressive party which places (he government nearer the peoplp than anything ever offered in the country before A The next speaker was Dr Gabler who gave the ren sons why Tie a pro gressive among others saying that his business took so much of his time that he could not check tip the failures in the pro grams of the two other parties but that the government of Col Roosevelt had been satisfactory to him when he was president and lie wished to give his vote to the man who will endeavor to carry out the wishes of the people The next speaker was Airs TV Dwight who took up the changes in the political situation drawing attention to the fact that the press were not discuss ing points which they considered vital a few weeks ago but had changed their attacks to an entirely different angle and she quoted from a number of papers pub lished in different parts of the country She dwelt briefly on the character and George It Cooper Gives Entertaining Address With Valuable Advice at Meeting of Second Church Club The men's club of the Second Congrega tional church held its first meeting of the season in the conference house last night and supper was served at 7 The speaker of the evening was George Cooper of Pittsfield who' gave an inspiring address on like to be He said in part: I' or years I had that to be rich was to accumulate money stocks bonds buildings and land The Youth's Companion the Success magazine and every teacher and speaker to boys told ot men who had been poor and forged ahead and finally become millionaires Everybody had been taught the same for years and no wonder the question much is he meant much has he?" rom observation during a term of years lbegan to notice that the mere possession of monej of itself bring happiness usefulness nor peace of mind I began to see men who were dwarfed and narrowed and shriveled by the love of it That itpas a handicap to many good boys who inherited anv great alnount of it and a curse to the weak boy I saw that tne prospect of inheriting money killed initiative robbed the world of many use ful men and made much trouble iii fam1 1 v1 nt the accumulation of much money lobbed many a man of his compan ionship and confidence I also manv people jyho were bitter and and jealous because thej get anv more than a bare living Then I saw another class who seemed to bring joy and sun shine everywhere Some had money 'and some bad none but worked together shoul der to shoulder for the general good of mankind It came over me that to be rich is 'to be to be willing to give of time and effort for the good of the community to be interested in the welfare of the boys and girls men and jvomen and help them to help themselves Everybody every where is looking for happiness There's only one to make others happy Mere are a few directions for being a rich Westfield man: To be unselfish is to lie rich To get rid tne mesmerism of fear is to be rich The fear of failure the fear to take the initiative in any movement for right the fear of ridicule if one goes out of the beaten path of usefulness To have the love and confidence of your own boy if you have one and to be able to sav all the boys of the community work tosrethni or play to be rich To he interested in the hous ing conditions of the working people in your to show them how to go about owning their own homes to provide lec tures of home planning and domestic eco nomics will make you and your town rich To help make your town clean as far as dirt papers nnd rubbish are concerned and clean too is an asset of great value To take an active part in getting acquainted with the foreign sneaking pop ulation to make these people feel that you are interested iu helning them to under stand citizenship is the hope of this coun try in the future To be able to work with others To know that there is ahun dance of that God governs That we can bo avenues Tv which good can flow to those about us if we are in touch with this giver of good being rich ELECTION OICERS NAMED Polls Open a io 430 Se lectmen inish Details for Day The selectmen Tiavc appointed' the: elec tion officers to serve at theannual fall election Tuesday The polls xvill open at 6 a and close at 430 The bal lot clerks and checkers will report' for duty at 6 and the sorters at 11 a The counters and inspectors will begin their work about 1 and the tabulators will start about 230 The list of election officers is as follows: Ballot clerks repub lican rank Loomis: democratic Les I ter Gibbs assistant ballot clerks re publican Ray Bartlett: democratic Edward A Herrick: checkers republican John AA'elcome rank Searle Ed ward Clark Benjamin Chadwick Charles Al Couse: democratic' Robert Keefe George Bradford Michael Barry Daniel McCarthy Thomas Car roll counters republican rank Tib bals James II Parker George Edward 'Bryan democratic Henry Barry John Curran AVilliairf Chap man A Lincoln Parker inspectors re nublican Nathan Pomeroy Warren Noble Henry Kuster AVilliam Con nell: democratic Michael Dineen red Ellis Louis Hallbourg James Rowland: sorters republican red A Rice Oldrich Bazata Louis Keefe Charles Rooney bulators republican Charles Smith democrat ic Charles A Hickson: on Averv Glenson of eeding Hills treating of or ganization the church and and by Rev Paris Miller of Agawam giving a of the church and the field" These were followed a general discus sion participated in Messrs Bliss Lewis Kilbon Hannum Curtis Stevens and Rice The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Moderator' Rev Iiewis scribe Rev Walter Rice: standing committee Rev Dr Alerrick Rev McDuffee Rev Love special investigating committee Rev Dr Al Hall Rev Kilbon Rev Bailey Rev Bruce AV Crownmiller was welcomed to membership in the association and Rev Homer Ilurlbut was elected to mem bership Rev Charles Stevensof Chic opee and Rev Howard A Al" Briggs were recommended for membership Alessrs Hannum and Alillcr and Gleason were ap pointed to convejr the greetings of this association to the church at eeding Hills on the event of its 150th anniversary After the meeting the aid society of the Agawam church served luncheon' in the chapel Tlaniptleu Association Holds Annual Session Rev Lewis Elected Moderator The Hampden tional ministers in the Agawam an attendance of line nev ar vv iznt or was elected moderator pro tem and opened the meeting with prayer The report showed that the expenses of the year had been met leaving a balance in the treasury It xvas recommended that the yearly dues per member hereafter be 50 cents The following persons were ap pointed as a nominating committee: A II Bradford Hannum Bailey The standing committee reported suggesting that the next meeting be held at the International college in Springfield with the subject involved in tne i 1910 by some man who was not the level which it held before the storm aw i i ri rri tin cu xi kuhi i i riur in zy iii nixie div Mi A'ui iiinc luu water was I rerLy nnri niffht nmnthc zyld onrt IAW ITPlDfr fir Kli fnnf nnd 1 i ALLI 'tuu 111 HUdrS It jumped to 1160 feet which though not as high as during the storm last October when it went to 1190 feet showed a con siderably faster rise Alondaj the water fell rapidly coming down to seven feet at which point it has remained since then Airs A Norris the wife of the pro prietor of the Merrick hotel who recently returned after a long illuess and a very serious operation at the Hampden hospital was taken ill again Alonday evening and it was found necessary to remove her at once by ambulance to the hospital for an other operation Her condition is consid ered to be very critical and the recurrence of the trouble is considered a very bad sign 5 The registrars' of voters have as a re sult of their four recent meetings added a total of 103 new names to the list which would seem to indicate a very keen interest among the townspeople toward the coming election It is now too late for further names to be added The new voters are divided as folloxvs among the various precincts: A 30 41: 32 A sand car coming from the sand pit half way up Tubbs hill jumped the track yesterday morning and caused a blockade in the traffic which was not straightened out for about two hours' Onlj by switch ing all the cars over to the up track could traffic be resumed and the sand car was not replaced till the wrecker had been called and the crane brought into use The aid society of the Mittineague Methodist church will meet at the par sonage this afternoon at 230 The Hal loxveen party under the auspices of the Epworth league will be held in the even ing at 745 and a meeting of the official board of the church will take place imme diately after the regular prayer meeting to morrow evening The New England telephone and tele graph company has started work on short sections of its conduits on Alain street and the Springfield road on the Agawam side of Alittineague in conjunction with work already done in Alerrick Though the work in the latter section was completed some time ago the old cables have not yet been removed The auxiliary of the Alittineague Young Christian association will begin gymnastic work riday afternoon The high school girls will met from 245 to 415 and the grammar school from 415 to 530 The classes will be conducted by Air Garniss Charles Tyler of 66 Alain street has received word of the death of his sister Mrs annie Stevens in Alexico City Alex Airs Stevens jvas formerly a resident of North Adams and went to Alexico 30 years ago There will be a Halloween party at the Alittineague Congregational church to to night at 745 All friends of thechurch 15 years old or over are cordially invited Aliss Lillian Norris of 127 Park street was operated on for appendicitis at the Hampden hospital Sunday and is reported to be resting very comfortably there The guild of the irst Congre gational' church met yesterday afternoon at the home of Airs Horace Smith of 1577 Riverdale street A supper and sale was held last evening by the women of the irst Baptist church and was quite successful i PCKGIMODER AlWaSHER Jr fl J4arrniesstoco)ors 1 8 km nMB JOf it.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.